Last Chance

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Liam's POV

There was no denying it. The tension was thick between Penny and Karena. It became obvious to Liam when he saw them in a staring competition the next day over who was going to go up on the ladder and replace the broken light bulb.

What did I miss?

Penny was surprisingly mutinous about not doing it. She had her hands crossed over her chest, staring at the other lady, unblinking. Karena, in return, wore a scrunched-up, dirty scowl that said she was both shocked and vexed. She had a hand on her hip as she shifted from one foot to the other. She let out a big huff, shaking her head slowly. She was definitely trying to show up with the better, more intimidating stance.

"Just do it." Karena said.


He saw Karena look around, embarrassed. Thankfully there were only three customers, he, the half-deaf old man, and girl seemingly unbothered by the argument.

Karena leaned in to use a quieter, colder tone, but he still heard it. "You know what will happen if you don't listen to me."

This time Penny leaned in. "I'm still not doing it. You're taller."

She forced a laugh that didn't reach her eyes. "You b*! I can't believe you're being this ridiculous. What put you in this mood?"

"Gee, I wonder who," Penny snapped, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Of course, it was you! You don't have to order me around all of the time. I'm tired of it. In fact, I quit! You and your dad can run this place all on your own. Today is my last day."

"What's your problem? All I said was get up and change the light! If you can't do what you're asked to do then maybe you were never cut out for this job!"

A throat was cleared and both their heads turned at the same time. They hadn't heard Liam approach, but he was standing on the other side of the counter, trying too hard to ease the tension with one of his flashing grins. He looked from Penny to Karena to Penny once more. They wore the same glaring, unbothered expression on their faces as they waited for him to say something first. He gestured a hand at the ladder.

"I it for you. I'm the tallest...besides I do things like this all the time for my grandma, and I kinda enjoy it." He shrugged nonchalantly. They blinked in the silence, but made no objections to his offer. When neither of them continued to say anything, he moved himself to the ladder and began climbing it. Penny broke away from her antagonist pose and started cleaning the coffee machine out of boredom. Karena was left standing alone, looking unsatisfied. She gave Liam her best glare as he stood at the top of the ladder.

"Don't think that you'll get your meal for free for doing this?" she warned.

"I won't," he said as he kept working.

"And next time don't eavesdrop. You shouldn't be interfering with what goes on behind the counter. That is between me and the team."

"I'm sorry, but it's hard to concentrate on my own work when I can hear everything being said over here. So technically, it's not eavesdropping." He finished detaching the long, broken lightbulb and climbed down the ladder to grab the new one. He looked down at Karena, a whole head taller than her. He kept his eyes in her as he reached for the new light. "And while we are on the subject of teams and teamwork, you shouldn't bark so many orders to your one and only co-worker. From where I sit all day I can only see one person running around doing all the messy work. It doesn't look good from a customer's perspective." He watched her eyes grow wide as he spoke every word. Her mouth opened but nothing seemed to come out. Stealing a glance at Penny, he noted the slight surprise on her face, although it was quickly replaced by indifference. Her eyes were glazed over with something foreign to him. He took it that she was galled over the small bicker. He started the climb back up the ladder, being careful on each step he took.

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