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No smut ofc there's be a warning if there was anywho legs get into the chapter

Third person POV
San and Mingi were sitting on the couch watching a movie. San wanted a snack and one of his current craving was green apples and peanut butter (it's soooo good) so Mingi got up and cut him some apple and put some peanut butter in a sauce cup so it was easy to scoop "here you go my love" Mingi says as he hands San the food "thank you babe" San smiles and they share a short sweet kiss. Mingi was trying to keep San happy during the pregnancy because he had to be off T but honestly he didn't seem to have a big problem with it. San seemed ok with not taking T, probably because he was gonna be a parent and that was keeping him happy.

Time skip

Mingi had planned to take San out on a date today and San was trying to find and outfit. Eventually he settled on mingis large hoodie that he likes to sleep in and some black ripped flare jeans along with some black converse. He felt like he looked great but he was a bit upset that his baby bump wasn't very noticeable. He knew that the public would judge and ask questions so he just tried to hide it which he was okay with. San walked out of his and mingis room and he walks up to mingi and wraps his arms around mingis neck "you look beautiful my love, just like always" Mingi says "thank youuuuu" San says and smiles they share a quick peck and start to walk out of the house. Mingi opens can door for San to get in first. Mingi got in after San and hongjoong drove them to an amusement park. San smiled widely "an amusement park! I love them" mingi smiled at the cuteness of the small man and said "I'm glad and I made sure all the rides were safe for the baby to so no roller coasters or harsh stuff" San smiled at the considerate actions. He was head over hills for this man. They both get out of the van and start to walk around and San sees the tea cup ride and says "OOH OOH OOH LETS GO ON THAT ONE BABE!" He's just as excited as a child on their birthday.

Time skip

They had been at the amusement park for hours now and San was very tired so he and Mingi decided it was time to leave. They got in the van and made their way home. When they made it home they went inside and changed into comfortable clothes, well Mingi changed San just switched his jeans for some shorts. They got in bed and cuddles until the fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning

San woke up without Mingi next to him but he figured Mingi was just working. San started to smell something sweet. He walked out of the room and saw Mingi in the kitchen preparing breakfast. "Don't we have a cook for this job?" San asked and Mingi nodded "we do but you also have a boyfriend for it" Mingi smirked. San laughed and smiled "I love you Mingi" San says "I love you to" Mingi replies.

I am so so sorry this is short and it took so long my finals are ruining everything and will continue until the 23rd 😭😭

Here's a cute photo of San as compensation

 And you know what here's one of Mingi as well

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And you know what here's one of Mingi as well

 And you know what here's one of Mingi as well

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