Part 16

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     "I ran away I guess," Allison said as she was led down the steps of the Independence Inn. "I mean I'm nineteen does that count as running away?" She asked frantically. "Honey, why did you leave?" Lorelai asked. Allison looked up at her mother. "Did something happen?" Lorelai asked. "Uh when I ran away at my graduation, I may have gone into the classroom of a certain teacher who may have come in and talked to me and then we kissed," Allison said looking down at her hands. "You kissed him?" Lorelai asked in a quiet but surprised tone. "And then grandma came in and saw us kissing and then we went home, and they yelled at me and told me they would get him fired but I said that I would never see him again and I would do good and go to summer programs and stuff and live by their rules. But I guess that didn't happen because I climbed out my window fifteen minutes later." Allison said and Lorelai looked at her. "Did you leave a note?" She asked. "Yeah". "That's one thing us Gilmore girls do is leave notes," Lorelai said and Allison looked at her confusedly. "You're not going to make me go back, are you?" Allison asked. "Allison look at my life how do you think I got here." Lorelai said and Allison smiled. "I just don't know what to do. what do I do?" She asked. "Well," Lorelai said picking up her hand "You get a job, and you can stay with me, and Rory and you can be here with us in stars hollow. Everyone's really nice, they can be weird but their nice." Lorelai said. "Okay." Allison said and the two hugged. "Do your grandparents know where you are?" Lorelai asked. "I don't know I left the know and I said they probably know where I'm going but that doesn't mean anything" Allison said. "Okay I'm going to call them and tell them you're okay." Lorelai said. "Okay" Allison said, and Lorelai walked over to the phone and called her parents house. "Hello Lorelai" Her mother answered quickly. "Hi mom" Lorelai said in a calm tone. "Do you know where Allison is we can't find her." Emily said frantically. "Yeah, mom she's standing five feet away from me. Shes okay she doesn't want to be there anymore." Lorelai said. "She has to be here Lorelai if she's not it going to ruin our reputation, she knows this we have talked about this." Emily said. "Have you thought about why she doesn't want to be there anymore?" Lorelai said more loudly, and Allison looked at her and so did a man who was dressed nicely and standing behind the counter. Allison didn't know him. "No, we didn't Lorelai. we didn't think that you two were that similar." Emily said to her daughter. "You know what, Allison is here, she's safe, she's staying here with me and Rory and is going to get a job and live a life without the pressure of your reputation on her back goodbye mom." Lorelai said hanging up the phone and putting it down aggressively. The man next to her gave her and small smirk like he was proud of her or something. 

     "I need coffee" Lorelai said and looked at her daughter "Do you want coffee?" She asked. "Actually, I don't like coffee." Allison said and her mother looked at her confused "How can you not like coffee you're a Gilmore." Lorelai said. "I drink tea instead." Allison said and Lorelai walked towards a door and gestured for Allison to come with her "Sookie probably has tea." She said and she pushed the door open and the two walked into and industrial kitchen and in the middle of it with a big knife was a woman with red hair and a bandana covering the top of her head. "Hey Sookie" Lorelai said and the Women who Allison assumed to be Sookie jumped and swung the knife up with her almost stabbing another chef. "Oh my god you scared me" Sookie said and she looked over at Allison "Is that?" She asked pointing to Allison "Yes this is my oldest daughter, Allison. Sookie put the knife down and walked over, jumping excitedly and cheering. "I'm so happy your here I've wanted to meet you for so long." Sookie said loudly and the door behind them was immediately thrown open and the man who was standing beside Lorelai just a couple minutes before came in "Will you please quiet down before the guests complain." He said in a strong French accent. "Sorry Michelle" Sookie said "But look who it is" she said turning Allison around and he looked at her. "I don't know who this is." He spoke. "Michelle this is my oldest daughter Allison" Lorelai said and Michelle gave her a smile "Oh nice to meet you hopefully you are nothing like your mother" he said somewhat joking. his smile fell "Now keep it down" he said and turned around and walked out of the room. Lorelai turned to Sookie "Do you have tea?" Lorelai asked and Sookie looked at her "Iced, sweet, unsweet, hot, leaf, bag, which type I have them all." Sookie asked and Lorelai turned to Allison for her answer "Hot" She said, and Sookie grabbed a cup and walked over to a kettle and poured her some tea and walked back over to Allison and gave her the cup "There you go honey would you like Sugar or anything?" Sookie asked. "Sugar please" Allison said and Sookie grabbed a little container with sugar and a spoon and gave it to her. "Thank you." Allison said and smiled at how nice she was.

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