Part 19

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     After spending some time with Max Allison drove back to Stars Hollow and saw that her mother and sister were at Luke's, so she stopped there.

     "Where did you go?" Rory asked as Allison walked in and sat next to them smiling. Lorelai looked at her daughter confused for a second but then realized what she had done. "Oh, I know that smile that happened after I made you" Lorelai pointed to Allison "And then you too," she said as she pointed to Rory," Lorelai said. "What?" Rory asked and Allison looked at her. "Me and Max got back together," Allison said. "I'm so happy for you," Rory said, and Allison smiled. "You did great tonight, Rory," Allison said. "Thank you," Rory said. "Okay so I'm going to go home and go to sleep because I'm going to Max's tomorrow, but I will get you coffee in the morning to make up for leaving early," Allison said. "You don't need to make up for anything," Rory said. "No, I'm going to." Allison said and got up "okay then if you want to make up for leaving early, I do have this one paper that I wasn't that confident about" "Really" Allison said laughing. "I just want to know if he's graded it" Rory said "coffee tomorrow be up" Allison said and walked out.

     "Good morning" Allison said as she walked into Max's apartment. "Good morning" he said as he walked over and kissed her as she set her stuff down on his table. "I got you coffee." she said as she handed the warm cup to him. "Thank you" "Your welcome I also got you a book it's a special edition of Moby dick with commentary by some guy I've heard you talk about I forgot his name." she said, and he smiled at her "I love you." he said, and she smiled back "I love you too."

     Rory and Lorelai walked into the Gilmore house. "How have your days been?" Allison asked as they put down their jackets. Lorelai looked at her "we both don't participate enough at Chilton, so I am joining the boosters club" "and I sat as table of girls at lunch today and their apparently called the puffs and are a secret sorority." Rory said, "You're joining the puffs?" Allison asked surprised. "I don't know I just sat with them." Rory said, "They don't let you sit with them unless you are one" "Well I sat with them, and they didn't ask me to join they just said they would see me later" Rory said and Allison laughed "Did you accidentally join the puffs?" "I don't know" Rory said. "You know mom I would offer to volunteer for you but I'm probably not welcome back on campus." Rory smiled "Oh yeah there's posters everywhere with you face and "If you see this girl on campus find security and make sure she doesn't go towards Mr. Medinas classroom" Rory said and Allison laughed.

      "Mom and Dad invited you and Max to Friday night dinner night" Lorelai said and Allison looked skeptical "what is she planning?" "Nothing" Lorelai said "she's planning something she wouldn't have invited max if she wasn't" Allison said. "Are you going to go?" Allison took a deep breath. "Maybe. I'll have to talk to max. I'll see him tomorrow." "Please come maybe it would stop the fighting" Rory said. "Rory if I go there will be more fighting and if Max goes there would be even more." Allison said. "I know but like after that when all the fighting's done" Rory said. "When all the fighting's done there will be passive aggressive comments and then there will be more fights. Were Gilmores we fight." Allison said. 

     "So" Allison said as she sat down with a book beside Max. "so" He repeated looking at her. "My grandma invited us to Friday night dinner" she said. "oh" Max said surprised. "yeah" she said "us?" " yeah" "how do you feel about that?"  Max asked.  "I feel like if we go there's going to be a fight and my grandparents are going to say terrible things. But I also feel like If we don't go there will be bigger fights and worse things said." Allison said.  "Do you want to go?" He asked "I don't want to, but I think I should. Do you want to go?" She asked him knowing it would be the first time he officially meets anyone in her family not at her English teacher. "If you go I'll go." he said. "Okay then, we're going" Allison smiled up at him. "I love you" he smiled down at her "I love you too" he said and then closed the space between them with a kiss.

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