Part 26

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"Good morning, Luke I hope you're having a wonderful day" Allison said as she walked into the diner and sat down at one of the chairs at the counter

 "Hi," he said very plainly 

"Oh, you're grumpy this morning, anyways can I have a tea and Danish please," Allison said in her peppy voice. and he looked at her with a grumpy look on his face and nodded.

Soon Luke brought over the tea and Danish both in to-go containers because he knew she was in a rush. "I'm going to guess you didn't get the memo"


"The Gilmore girls are boycotting Lukes until further notice" he said


"Well, your moms mad and what does she do when she's mad, she ignores people" he said in an emotionless voice.

"Well hopefully she won't ignore you for sixteen years." she said "It's been known to happen" 

"Four dollars" Luke said and she threw down a five 

"Keep the change" she said leaving

"See you whenever your mom isn't mad anymore" he said to her as she was walking out 

"I'll probably be here tonight, Luke. I'm not boycotting" she said and walked out.

"Hello" Allison said as she walked into the Gilmore girls' house.

"My daughter" Lorelai said very energetically

"Oh, wow what are we drinking?" Allison asked 


"Hell yeah" she said walking to the kitchen and pouring one in a cup for herself

"Hello dear sister" she said as she walked into the living room. 

"Hey" Rory said 

"How's my graduate?" Allison asked her mother 

"Relieved, no more school. no more finals. I'm done" Lorelai said pouring herself another margarita 

"We should have celebrated my graduation this way" Allison said. 

"You were nineteen and graduating high school you're not even old enough to legally drink yet" Rory said 

"Shhh, don't ruin the fun" Allison said jokingly.

"What did you do when you graduated anyways?" Rory asked.

"Made out with max and then ran away" Allison said

"Now that is a way to celebrate graduation" Lorelai said pointing at her. 

"isn't it?"

"Hello mother" Allison said walking toward her mother who was in her cap and gown "You look great"

"Thanks leigh" 

"where's Rory?" Allison asked looking around. 

"I don't know she said she had newspaper stuff till six but he's still not here." 

"I'll go call her and then I'm going to go sit with grandma and grandpa"


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