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As Jangmi approached the school building the next day, the distinct sound of a motorcycle approaching from behind caught her attention

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As Jangmi approached the school building the next day, the distinct sound of a motorcycle approaching from behind caught her attention. Without turning around, she quickened her pace, recognizing the familiar noise and the person behind it. Keen to avoid a repeat of the previous day's incident and any potential rumors, she focused on reaching her destination swiftly. However, her efforts were thwarted as the individual on the motorcycle skillfully maneuvered in front of her, encircling her before parking next to the bushes.

"Annoying," Jangmi muttered in annoyance, resolutely continuing her journey toward the school's entrance.

"Hey, Choi Jangmi," Seojun's voice called out.

Despite her reluctance, she halted in her tracks, emitting a groan.

Did she have any intention of acknowledging him? No.

Did she end up doing it anyway? Yes.

Turning around, her expression devoid of emotion, she questioned, "What now?"

The boy tilted his head, narrowing his eyes. "Do you have feelings for Lee Suho?" he blurted out.

Jangmi took a deep breath, suppressing a sigh, trying not to roll her eyes. "No, I don't. Can I go to class now?"

"I don't believe you," he asserted. "Tell me the truth."

Anger flushed Jangmi's face as she walked closer to her former friend, arms crossed and a glaring expression. "I have two things to say before I walk away. One, I did tell you the truth. Two, why do you care?"

He squinted, gazing down at her and moving a bit closer. "Why did he protect you?"

"Can't friends protect each other?" she scoffed, promptly turning on her heels to walk away. "Maybe you shouldn't give him a reason to protect me."

And with that, Jangmi walked off, leaving Seojun to watch her departure.

Jangmi, too irritated to engage with anyone, sat in class, awaiting Mr. Han's instruction. Her leg bounced anxiously as she struggled to piece together the events from the previous day. Focusing proved impossible as a constant uneasiness lingered. Would today bring another confrontation? Would she face further harassment from her peers? The rumors surrounding Suho and Seojun seemed relentless. Of all people, Seojun's belief in them surprised her the most. He was the last person she expected to be convinced. Why did he suddenly buy into the gossip, and why did he care so much?

Her thoughts were momentarily interrupted when Taehoon attempted to give Suho a high-five, only to be promptly rejected. Despite the overwhelming anxiety, a small chuckle escaped her. Suho remained true to himself, offering a brief moment of relief.

Yet, distractions were fleeting. Han Seojun entered the room, audibly pulling back his chair, seemingly wanting her to acknowledge his presence. As he sat down, it was evident that he was glaring at her from behind. The feeling of laser-like stares burned into the back of her head, a constant reminder of everything going wrong. She chose to ignore him and pretended he didn't exist, hoping to reclaim a sense of normalcy.

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