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The girls pursued Sooa, who inadvertently led them back to their tent

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The girls pursued Sooa, who inadvertently led them back to their tent. Jangmi, who led the group, gently clasped her friend's hand. "Sooa," she began softly. "There's no need to break up with Taehoon. The game isn't accurate. I mean, it said I have feelings for Han Seojun when I don't!"

Sooa looked up at her friend, tears welling in her eyes, clearly hesitant to believe her. She sobbed harder, collapsing onto her sleeping bag. "Taehoon doesn't love me anymore! The game said so!"

Jangmi sighed deeply, glancing at Soojin for support, but her friend's expression suggested they should give Sooa space, hoping she'd come to her senses. Acknowledging Soojin's wisdom, Jangmi conceded. "We'll give you some time, Sooa. We'll be around the campsite when you're ready to talk."

The group, except Sooa, exited the tent and ventured back into the chilly campground. Not in the mood to join the larger group of students, Jangmi opted for a solitary stroll as the sunset painted the horizon. She hugged her sweater tighter against the breeze, pondering whether the silly machine held any truth—for Sooa's sake and her own.

As she continued walking past the tents, she spotted Seojun and his friends up ahead. Some were equipped with cameras, chattering excitedly about discovering a ghost in a nearby well, eager to capture footage for a potential viral video.

Seojun rolled his eyes and casually slipped his hands into his pockets. "I can't be bothered," he remarked sarcastically, "so have fun!"

"Seojun, I see you're afraid of ghosts," Chorong teased, glancing at Jangmi as she passed by. He roped her into the conversation to taunt Seojun further. "I bet Jangmi isn't afraid of ghosts. Right, Jangmi?"

Jangmi sighed, halting her steps to address the group. "I don't believe in ghosts. And even if I did, I wouldn't be afraid of them."

"See, Han Seojun? Jangmi's fearless, unlike you!" Chorong jabbed.

Seojun chuckled, then adopted a deadpan expression. "So, where's this well?"

"There!" the group exclaimed, pointing towards the dark forest to the left.

Seojun strode in that direction, casually snagging the excess fabric of Jangmi's sweater and tugging her along. "If you're not scared, I'm sure you wouldn't mind seeing this ghost."

Jangmi scoffed, attempting to free herself from his grasp. "Just because I'm not scared doesn't mean I want to join you! I have other plans!"

"Yeah? What were you planning on doing?" Seojun teased, releasing her sleeve with a smirk. "Walking in silence for the rest of the night?"

"...Yes!" Jangmi muttered but somehow still walked with the group, even though Seojun wasn't holding onto her anymore.

Seojun smirked, his amusement hidden beneath a veneer of nonchalance, as he continued to stride alongside Jangmi within his group of friends. Crossing the threshold between the campsite and the forest marked a dramatic shift—from their peers' lively banter and ambient light to the woods' enveloping darkness and hushed whispers. Several of the boys brandished flashlights, illuminating beams along their path.

"Guys, it's not too late to go back," one of them piped up, shattering the quietude.

Suddenly, Chorong shrieked, setting off a chain reaction of startled screams from the others. Jangmi flinched, instinctively moving closer to Seojun before catching herself at the last moment and retreating, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

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