41. Forty-One

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I picked up my pace towards Felix's town car knowing I could still hunt Declan down if I hurried. As I made it to the car I buckled up and turned the ignition on when all of a sudden the passenger door opened wide and in jumped Eli.

"Drive " he ordered as he looked over at me with his blue eyes. "I had a feeling you'd try and do this after seeing Callum in that state" he said. "I want Declan's head on a platter too. Knowing your fight reputation you and I our the best bet we have to get him for Callum and Owen." 

I floored the gas on Felix's black town car and began driving North of the of building we had saved Callum from. "Where do you think Declan is ?"

"He can't fly now and the nearest train is three hours away going West. Ronan placed the green light to execute on sight with our European chapter and Allies" Eli said. "Then that leaves the docks!" I said as my grip tightened on the strearing wheel. "Where's the nearest port here?"  I asked.

"North" Eli said as a lightbulb went off in our heads, "keep on this highway for ten more minutes" he ordered as he reached behind and pulled out a black leathered douffle bag containing guns and ammunition. "How many of Owen's bombs do we have left over?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road. "Enough to blow a building up and poison an entire football team" he smiled mischievously.

I can make it more potent with the left over stuff in the trunk I smiled.  Eli looked at me in shock, "you're a chemist too?"

"No but my older brother Ian is" I smiled remembering sitting in and watching Ian go to work using chemicals and different poisonus plants, "he taught me a thing or two" I said as I turned into the port and turned off the headlights.

Sure enough there in the distance was a car and a yacht docked at the pier.  We were quickly spotted by guards that were positioned on the rooftop of one of the buildings. We took cover behind the car as I sifted through the douffle bag and began combining Owen's bombs into one giant one. I quickly lit the bomb and flung it high into the air causing it to explode right at the roof top. Eli and I put our gas masks on be fore we moving forwarded.  I took out a cannister of left over paint thinner and stuffed a piece of my shirt into it and handed it to Eli. "Hold this for me will you?" I asked as I made another one. "What is it with you Leons and burning shit down all the time?" He laughed.

"Its fun" I replied as I flung the one I had just made at the building "besides they started it". Eli stared at me through gas mask with an unusual expression somewhere between scared, confused, and admiration. The walls quickly set fire and the rain of bullets stopped as the poison finished whoever was left alive in the building and up in the rooftop.

We ran towards the Yacht only to find that it was empty.  Eli and I regrouped right in front of it. He slammed his fists into it's side. "Fuck where is he!" Eli desperately yelled and he ran his fingers through his hair. "He can't keep getting away with this!"

I lit the remaining cannister and threw it onto the yacht making it quickly catch on fire. Eli pull his hand away from it as the fire spread, "its empty you're not hurting anyone." he pointed out irritated

"It's one less way of him leaving here " I  matter- of- factly said as I began walking towards the car that was left behind. "Now then if I was Declan and I'm too much of a coward where would I hide ? " I asked as I shattered the window to unlock it. The keys were left in the ignition and the car didn't want to start meaning it had run out of gas.  As I came back out of the car I did a 360° spin to get a better view of everything. Eli looked around and finally thought, "his car is out of gas, and the yacht was still tied to the dock and empty", he paused, "he didn't know how to drive the fucking thing" he laughed "that means he's on foot and alone since we took out the remaining soliders"

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