1- piercings

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"hey y/n how many piercings have you got?" Bill wondered after he argued with georg how many is two many.
Everyone was sitting around the living room watching a movie and having some beers, Y/n was on the chair with one foot under her bum,
"uhhhh idk haven't counted in a while i think like 11 or 12probs more" she shrugged
"12?!" georg was gobsmacked
"yeah idk i really like them" she returned her attention to the movie
"do you want another one?" bill asked
"uhh idk i guess so, kinda wanna get some tattoos aswell"
"i can pierce you right now" tom said walking into the room from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn, jumping over the couch into the seat next to y/n.
"oh yeah like what?" she was curious she had been wanting to get her smiley done, having her ears pretty full and what not
"what haven't you got?" he asked examining her many jewels
"you should do her nipples that's so hot on girls!" Bill yelled
"i'm always down to see y/n's tits" tom smirked looking into y/n's eyes
"well your a little to late to do that buddy" she smiled at him seeing his face drop
"you've got your nipples pierced?" tom questions staring at your chest
she just shrugged and took a swig of her beer before tom sat up and and tried to pull her shirt tight around her boobs exposing the jewels
"hey" she laughed
"nah that's the hottest thing you've ever told me" he stated staring into her soul she just giggled and rolled her eyes
"me and a friend from school pierced each others at home it was fucking painful and so dangerous but so worth it
"that's even more hot"
"tom seriously stop flirting with her you didn't even know she had them done you obviously aren't getting to close to seeing her tits anytime soon" bill rolled his eyes making y/n laugh out loud and tom just glared at him before looking at y/n's boobs one more time and laying back down smiling to himself
" you can pierce my smiley" she smiled and tom immediately jumped up walking to his bedroom and pulling out his piercing kit
"fuck is this gonna hurt?"
"yeah probs" he smiled before carefully putting on gloves and moving y/n's lip with his thumb.

Y/n couldn't help but stare at his facial features, his eyes, his nose, his freckles, his lip ring, his eyelashes oh how she was jealous of his eye lashes, he started smirking and she questioned him
"your staring" he smirked again
"no i'm not your just in my face" she was a blushing mess being caught out, until he put a needle through her gum and it was no longer a cute moment.

Y/n couldn't help but stare at his facial features, his eyes, his nose, his freckles, his lip ring, his eyelashes oh how she was jealous of his eye lashes, he started smirking and she questioned him"your staring" he smirked again"no i'm not your j...

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the results^

"okay that wasn't the worst one but i definitly don't enjoy that sensation" she squeezed her eyes shut
everyone was admiring the new piercing as tom looked happy with his work
"there you go live" he smiled taking off the gloves
"now you won't have to worry about tom flirting with you cause you won't be able to kiss until it heels" Bill laughed causing tom to turn his head and glare at his twin, y/n just laughed again.
"thank you tom" y/n said before getting up and looking in the mirror, she was very happy with the results
"i guess that makes 13" she smiled
"jesus" georg whispered making everyone laugh

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