4- bar

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As my new set of nails tapped lightly on my glass to the beat of whatever song was playing i came to the realisation of how upset i was. I had no job, no plans for my future, no partner, i'm sitting at a bar in the middle of New York by myself on a Tuesday night just waiting until i feel it's time to go back to my cousin's apartment where i am currently freeloading. I got all dressed up and decided i wanted to have some fun but now that i have arrived i've just kind of depressed myself.

 I got all dressed up and decided i wanted to have some fun but now that i have arrived i've just kind of depressed myself

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my fit^(you choose)

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my fit^
(you choose)

I downed my drink and got up from my stool, i didn't want to walk home, i just got here. Instead i made my way to the bathroom, maybe i can find a friend there's always girls in the bathrooms.
As i entered a group of girls all looked my way and i just smiled before going to the mirror to fix my lipstick,
"i like your bag" i looked through the mirror for the voice and found a small brunette girl looking my way,
"thanks i like your shoes" i smiled and so did she
she waved me over to her friends who were all huddled in a group, they were sharing something around and when i got closer i saw what it was.
A little phone book with pretty pink embroidery which was covered with a white dust. Coke. Id dabbled in drugs in my uni days but only with my roommates and class mates, these girls were complete strangers. But i was in such a horrible mood i decided to go for it, the small brunette girl handed me the book and i didn't think twice about sniffing it's contents.
Almost immediately my eyes teared up as the burning sensation took over my senses, all down my nose and through the back of my throat were on fire until my pupils grew larger and the drugs kicked in. They hit fast. I felt euphoric .

The brunette girl smiled at me and grabbed my hand leading me out of the bathroom and towards the dance floor. I felt amazing, it's like all my worries went away in a second and i didn't know what i was even upset about 10 minutes ago.
Shortly after the band stopped playing and everyone cheered and clapped. I wasn't sure if it was the drugs or what but they played sooo well. Some big speakers started playing some songs in between the next band setting up so i decided i needed another drink.

I stumbled over to the bar completely forgetting about the small brunette i was just dancing with a moment ago and instead squeezed my way through the line at the bar, i ordered my drink and whilst i was daydreaming about nothing i felt someone knock me, i turned around with a bitchy look on my face unintentionally and the guy apologised with a smile. He was hot. He was familiar. He was in the band.
"sorry about that love, there's too many people in here"
"oh no it's all good"
"let me buy you a drink for my rudeness, i insist"
"we'll i'm not one to turn down free beverages from hot guys so be my guest" she wasn't usually this confident, or cocky, it must have been the coke. He smirked and paid for her vodka cranberry and she thanked him.
"so what's your name?" she asked looking intently into his eyes, then examining his face.
"tom, my names tom, what's yours?"
"randy, but everyone calls me dee"
"well than dee, it's nice to meet you" he kissed the back of her hand his lip ring was cold. She really liked this guy he was hot, a gentleman and also seemed interested in talking to her and not just getting into her pants. He's also in a band and what's better than that.

They sat together at the bar for about an hour laughing and talking eventually she felt like dancing again so she dragged him to the dance floor.

They basically grinded on each other for about 3 songs, his hands on her hips and her behind her head connecting to his neck. There energy was unmatched and they were just enjoying each others company, her body felt electric when he touched her, he danced so well, he invited her back stage to meet the rest of the band, but before bought another round of drinks this time they were shots and he carried them on a tray with about 3 extras she was guessing for his band mates.

After meeting the band the drugs kind of started wearing off but she still had a little buzz going, they were very nice and she had a great time, she got toms number but eventually they had to leave because they had another show the next day in a different city so they were travelling overnight. She was disappointed to say the least but glad she had a good time. She decided it was probably time for her to get home too as it was around the early morning hours, so she called a cab. She actually had a lovely night and she's glad she met tom, and also very glad she met that brunette girl wherever she ended up in the end.

Toms pov
I really liked Dee, i wished i had more time with her, i couldn't stop thinking about how she held onto me when we danced, or how easy she was to talk to, not like most girls who just like me because i'm a rockstar.
"your acting strange" Bill said staring at me
"why" i crinkled my nose at him
" because almost every night you find a girl to hook up with but this one girl you just talked to, didn't kiss her, didn't try making any moves, it's just not like you that's all" bill shrugged
"guess i'm just tired idk she was nice company doesn't mean i wanted to fuck her" i didn't always like being the fuckboy of the group
"well i mean she was gorgeous and seemed like somebody you would go for, it's not a bad thing it's just seems like you got a crush" bill smiled at me
"fuck off man " i started blushing and idek why. Dee was drop dead gorgeous with her plump lips and blonde hair, she had a great ass too but the whole night i didn't even think about taking her back into the bus then leaving her when i was done like i usually did, idk it just felt different.

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