prologue (re-edit)

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It was Daniel's first day in J-high and he was absolutely nervous in the new handsome body

As he was walking he accidentally bumped into a girl in the hallway which made the stuff that she was holding fall and scatter on the floor...cliche

"I'm so sorry I didn't watch where I was go-" As he looked at the girl his breath was taken away immediately by her looks

"It's ok, it was my fault too" she replied in a quiet and gentle tone

While Daniel was trying to process what was happening he broke his daze as he saw her picking up her stuff. He then quickly helped her

"Again I'm sorry for bumping into you, uhm I'm Daniel Park" he apologized and introduced himself

"And again it's alright, my name is Y/n Blue l/n nice to meet you Daniel" She gave him a small smile that made his heart beats
(I swear giyuu is sooooooo beautiful when he smiles sooooo I just have to I can't deny it)

"W-what class are you in y/n?" He ask stuttering 'damn it why did I stutter'

"I'm in a fashion department, what about you?" She ask as she looks at him with her dull blue eyes
(Blame the, I love to give some small details)

"Well, I'm in a fashion department too! I'm a new student" Daniel answers scratching his nape nervously and chuckle

"Ah! Now I know why didn't see before, you're new. Come I'll lead you to the class" She gestured her hand to follow her as her stuff in her left hand

Daniel gladly followed her and not a moment later they arrived at the classroom

"Wait here for a moment" y/n then went in to inform the teacher about Daniel's arrival

The door then opened again "You can enter now, don't forget to introduce yourself"

Daniel obeys, and when he entered everyone are awed with his appearance. He went up to the teacher desk and introduce himself

"I'm Daniel park, nice to meet you" anxiously he said 'uh they are all staring at me, try not to make eye contact-' which he fail to do so when he sees y/n giving that little bit smile at him. Beside her is a male with blonde hair, his eyes is covered by his hair and that my friends, is jay Hong

When he is told to sit, he unfortunately have to sit beside Zack, who he meet in the city when he was in a tiny Daniel

A girl quickly brush her hair and put some make up on, she drop her blanket revealing her legs. A guy sees this gap like a fish in shock like...SHAZAM

"Daniel? Hi, I'm Zoe"

Every girl in the classroom stare at her in disgust except Mira and y/n, while the boys drooling over zoe

"hey you've got something on your face!" zoe said in 'concern' "huh!where?" which make him worried

"handsome thing" she tease in a cute manners. the other girls grit teeth in anger 'that bitch'

y/n scrunch her face in cringe 'that's a bit...cringe' she thought but daniel blush by the compliment as he never get it before

"hey, zoe" zack called up annoyedly "stop flirting and sit. it's annoying" he said as he have his left hand on his left cheek

"oh zack! scary! what~?" she act scared but in her thought 'jerk!'

"stop doing that bitch!" he grimace then he look at his crush mira only to see that mira is staring at daniel with a blush on her cheeks 'm-mira!!' this make zack more furious then before at daniel 'i hate that transfer d*ck!!!' while for daniel feel shiver running up to his neck

as time pass by it was time for lunch, he got stare from everyone as he is soooooo handsome

"daniel, what kind of side dishes do you like?" zoe ask unaware that her soup is dripping off of it tray but daniel is too caught up in his thought 'i only have to get my own food and not serve others.'

and there's an anxious girl 'floozies! look away!

daniel the see that y/n is sitting alone at a lunch table, he walk up to her then politely ask "can i...sit here?" daniel stare at y/n with hope in his eyes wanting to sit with the pretty kind girl. y/n stare at him at the moment then gives a small gentle smile and nod allowing him to sit with her. daniel gleam in joy and proceed to sit infront of her, zoe sees this and without asking she sit beside daniel "i can sit here right n/n?" she ask in hopeful tone "of course zoe"

a certain trio just stare at daniel in weird gaze, no one know what is in their thought

"hey newbies!" a student called for him which took his attention who already shoving his food in his mouth "we need to talk after lunch

(time skip)

daniel was dragged to the back of the school and he thought that he will get beaten but instead he is confronted to smoke and asking some questions about girls

"I quit smoke...and I don't know any girls" but yet y/n is in his mind...girl got some rizz

He left going back to class but then sees y/n carrying a lot of books but she doesn't struggle...he went up to her and get half of the stack books

"I'll help you y/n!" He say in enthusiasm smiling in gleam, y/n stare at him at the moment then nod her head and continue the walk to the teacher room

In class Daniel went to take a nap which make the little Daniel at home woke up, Zoe is gushing over him how handsome he is even when sleeping and such

The little Daniel is panicking wanting to go back into the handsome body, he tried his best to went to sleep cursing lots of times

Zoe then proceed to wake him which make him jolt awake "f*CK!" He shout in surprise as he woke up in the handsome body

Zoe is very much surprised by this that colour drain from her, the classmates muttering about her "is the skank getting told off?" "Hilarious!" "Embarrassing hehe"

Daniel look at Zoe 'did she woke me up?' then his gaze went to y/n, her hair is getting braided by her seatmate jay


To be continued...


-y/n keep starring at Daniel in admiration when he help her with the books

-y/n is thinking to follow Daniel when he was dragged but a certain crow kept her back

-Zoe doesn't mind if y/n close to Daniel 👍

- Zoe and Mira is happy when y/n smile a bit because of Daniel

- Jay braided her hair out of jealousy

- the cafeteria cooker always cook simmered salmon with daikon for y/n why? Favouritism...

- y/n got the rizz...

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