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3rd pov

In the early morning, the light of the sun start to appear in the horizon and a crow landed on her window creating a shout? by the sound of the crow the female eyes slowly flutter open which show her bright blue eyes, her spiky black hair scattered around her pillow and yet she still look beautiful

That...is our y/n blue l/n
(Y/n is beautiful, author Sama is beautiful you are beautiful now shut up and let me love you guys muah!)

She sit up a bit still tired but awake nonetheless, she let out a stretch as she look at the time which show 6:00 am
(Author Sama woke up at 4:40 and went to school at 7:10...the other 2 hour? Author went to sleep after shower)

"Squak! Morning y/n-sama!" The crow greet...THE CROW GREET! WHAT! THE CROW TALK- ehem ehem

"Good morning kanzaburou..." Y/n greet back then went to get her towel and her clothes, she walk past her study table and went into he shower

On the table there is three picture frame

One frame contain family of three...there is a man holding a baby which have a butterfly clip on her hair, a woman that only shown her back...she have a big butterfly clip on her hair...that man look exactly like y/n

that man look exactly like y/n

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(This is just a reference)

Another picture is an older version of y/n at the age of 7 holding a golden medal with an older man on her side, she have a bright smile as she show off her medal, the man have a beard and his hair start to show grey, he look stern yet proud...that moment is where y/n win in sword performance...
And that man is chairman choi
(It is where the contestants will show their move with swords, and create like an imaginary fighting skill with swords)

And the last  picture frame is y/n in her current day in this year, she have a slight smile as she look at the camera, she wear a green sundress and there is a man with a cotton candy pink hair...instead of looking at the camera...he is looking at her...a look where every woman want from their partner...that man is the famous star...DG

Y/n walk out the shower already in her school clothes, she sit at her makeup table to dry off her hair, she put her hair in a loose ponytail and put a butterfly clip on it, she clean her room and her bed then pick up the laundry and wash them in the washer machine

After all the cleaning she went to make breakfast, she give some berries to the crow and sit at the table enjoying the meal...all her doing is in silent and it is what she like to do

It is 6:50 she took all her stuff and went to school with kanzaburou flying above her like a guard, her house isn't so big...she live at an apartment not too fancy just a normal one but also stop at a convenient store to get some morning drink...which is just a chocolate milk

As she walk, she met up with the attractive classmate Daniel

Daniel eyes lit up as he sees her but his cheeks went red as he remember yesterday event but brush it off "good morning y/n" he greet the shorter girl with a bright smile

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