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3rd pov

Zack three goons are inviting Daniel to a friend reunion party something like that luckily for them Daniel agree

He then turn his head to y/n "would you like to join y/n?" This surprised the female and the goons "sorry Daniel but I have to pass, I have work to be at" by her statement it make Daniel saddened a bit but nod in understanding

(It's finally y/n time geez)

Night came by y/n is getting ready for her work, she wear her waiter clothes and put up her hair...you must be wandering why she wear waiter clothes instead of waitress clothes right? Because she can and she will...besides the owner let her wear the clothes because he got threatened by a certain chairman when y/n suddenly wear a waitress clothes...bro about to see his life flying out of his body

Y/n is panicking as she tried to find her butterfly hair clip but then a qaw sound catch her attention

Kanzaburou is holding her clip on his beak "qaw! Found it found it!" Y/n took the clip petting his head and put a bowl of berries "thank you kanzaburou" "qaw! Master need to be more careful qaw! It is the last family heirloom qaw!" The crow scold which make the female bow her head in guilt

"I know, I'm sorry kanzaburou" the crow nod and flew up "hurry! Master need to work qaw!" Y/n eyes widen as she look at the time, 10 more minutes before her shift

She took her bag then wear sport shoes, she took her leather shoes and put it in her bag so it doesn't ruin when she run, looking around to make sure there is no one in the road she sprint... literally

She mostly run through the alley which give a wind to the bystander who is either smoking or in high but who give a damn, it's lookism we're talking about...no one give a crap

Not too long y/n arrive at her work place unsurprisingly not a sweat, she punch her card and change her shoes then going up to her locker to put away her stuff

"Ah! Y/n you have arrive thank goodness" the manager came up to her having crocodile tears which confused the female "what's wrong Mr.Han?" She ask

The manager took a deep breath "we have a VIP customer and none of the waiter or waitress want to serve them and...you are the only one who have the guts to serve the VIP so pleaseeeee can you serve them?" The manager beg (please don't start the serve joke)

"Oh uhm...I guess so but you do know you have to double my paycheck-" "I can triple it" "...deal"

The manager let out a sigh "oh thank you very much" y/n wear her apron then took the tablet where you can order it from there "I'll be going know" she give an emotionless nod then went to another level of the restaurant which where the VIP stays

The manager let out another sigh "good luck there y/n"

When y/n went up to the second level there is a lot of People that is eating the finest dish they can get, the waiter and waitress would giving their food on the table but none of them went in the VIP room

She went up to the room not caring of the eyes by the other waiter that gives her a scared looks

She open the door and went in giving a bow "my apologies for the late arrival, my name is y/n and I am your waitress for tonight" she greet as she still have her head down, when she stood up again there is a fork flying up to her

Y/n move her head to the side not even a blink by the sudden attack

"Wow! You're quick!" A man in yellow with black stripe shirt said, he have a slick blond hair with a glass

"Can you not killing anyone at the moment" a man in a black shirt, black hair and a sunglasses

"Again...I apologize for my late arrival, what would you like to eat?" She open the tablet

"I'll just get some barbecue rib and spicy salmon" the guy in black said

She tap the order and change her gaze at the blondie "And what about you sir?"

"Hmmm I want a chicken chop and, smoke rib, and a salad salmon and also three of your finest wine" he order in delight, the man on his side give annoyance

"Alright then it will be out in the moment" she press the 'finished' button and walk out the room but before she can even do, her wrist were grabbed by the blonde guy

"Woah! Do you not want our name?" He said giving a grin but y/n is wandering how can he went up to her so quickly when the table is little 2 meter away from her

"I...guess I can" she answer "uhm...what's your name sir?"

"Sir? MANNN that sound old but you can call me goo oh and that's gun!" Goo introduced as he point at the emotionless man who is called gun, she give a nod at him which receives the same

"Well...I'll be going now" she went out

"Heh...is she the woman that chairman talks about?" Goo ask still having the grin "identical like in the description...she is all blue" gun reply as the both of them stare at the door where y/n just left

Not a moment later, y/n came back in with two trays of food on each of her hand, she gracefully put down the food not even a spill then put the fork and knife at the side of the dish, after that she pour the wine on the glass for each both of them and put the bottle in the bucket of ice to let it stay cold

"Enjoy..." She took back the tray and about to walk out until...another knife thrown at him, instead of dodge it, she grab the handle of the knife in quick reflex

She put down the knife back on the table "please refrain from throwing knife at me again sir" she spoke

Goo let out a snicker "I like you... we're besties now" y/n tilt her head slightly "friend...I like the sound of that..." She give a small tiny smile

Goo know what he's doing...the chairman did say that y/n really want to make friends as her past bullies would laugh at her for not having friends...he said that y/n goal is to get 100 friends

Time skip

After y/n shift end she change her shoes and took her stuff, she also punch out her name then left through the back door

A crow let himself known as he land on y/n shoulder "qaw! Qaw! Master need rest!" Y/n giggles slightly "I know I know, it's a good thing I can get home early because of school"

As she is about to turn on the alley, she accidentally bump into a wall- wait no, a fat man

"Ah...I'm sorry..." She apologized "tch! You should watch where you're going girlie" he grit

Y/n sees that he also have some companion, another man and a board looking girl "hey, you're still a high schooler aren't ya?"

The girl snicker at this "what's with whore walking around at night huh? Looking for some relief? Hah!" This make the other two guys laugh

Y/n may look calm but you can see veins on her forehead and then...


Y/n swing her leg barley missing the big man head, you can see the crack on the wall where her foot slam at

By the sudden attack this make the three skin colour drain as they look at the crack on the wall

"Sorry...I thought I saw a wasp..." She put down her leg then continue walk with kanzaburou laughing at the gawking strangers (SEE THE REFERENCE!"


To be continued...


Daniel is sad that y/n don't want to join

Goo and gun looking for y/n is because-

The manager indeed triple her payment

The three strangers are terrified of y/n indeed


I hope you guys like it...and please do leave a vote 🥰🥰🥰🥰

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