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The next day at school Daniel is attracting the ladies left and right and everyone is complimenting his looks

'I hate coming to school, I already got hit...' he thought and as if the god heard his misfortune they grant him a goddess

"Good morning Daniel" a familiar female voice called out to him, he look behind cheeks flare in red "g-good morning y/n" 'damn it!' he greet back

(Just in case you don't know how she look...)

Daniel pov

My heart just cannot stop beating but I brush it off to not make it obvious...I just realized that her skirt is much more different then the others, the others more of a pencil skirt while hers is a normal skirt that reach right above her knees

"Say y/n, why is your skirt different then the others?" I ask, she stare at me with her dull eyes for a moment then answer

"My mentor almost set this school on fire for giving me the pencil skirt...I guess the school give me the green light to wear whatever skirt I want" she answer chuckling a bit which I just laugh along

We arrive at the class I open the door

"I took a picture to assure that he stay silent" do conversations with Zoe

"What picture?" She ask

"Do you wanna see or not?"

"Stop it, you think I'm proud hitting that pig?" Zack said Snickers at the memory

They are talking about me!

"Come here! He have something funny to show us!"

"Yesterday, Zack beat up a pig!" Doo compliment the already high ego Zack

"Its a nude picture of the piggy"

The goons laugh in delight by the memory of me being in my ugly body

I clench my fist in anger

"Tch" I heard a snickers, when I look down it was y/n with a frown, her look still look emotionless but there is her veins poking out telling that she is mad....no.... furious...

"Let's just get sit down dandan" she said to...me?...wait...dandan?

My cheeks flare in red by the nickname I was given...I obey her request and took a seat

3rd pov

"You took a photo of that part?"

"Yeah wanna see?"

"Nope, I can't see, gross!" Zoe said in disgust but in her thought 'i wanna see, if only Daniel isn't here!'

Daniel is worried that they might show the picture to Zoe, or worst y/n but he know y/n is not like that

While for the said female, she write some notes while jay like always braid her hair but then he put something in her braid

"Did you put something jay?" Y/n ask and jay show a flower ornament

Y/n eyes widen, this hair accessories is very expensive...not to mention she always mentioned to him that she would get this one day and it seems that he beat it to her first

"Is it belong to your sister?" She ask

Jay shook his head "..."

"I can't accept this jay...it's expensive even for one" she tries to refuse which jay ignore it and put all three of the ornament on her braided hair, she just sigh and accepted the defeat knowing how stubborn jay is when it comes to his gift

In fact...jay have always given Raya expensive gift but said it was only a cheap one...which is a lie...all of the gift would always 1000 dollars and more

But then some conversation perk her ears

"That piggy mom, must be a piggy too"


"Pigs born from pigs hahahah"


"What if piggy bring his mom?"


"Then I'm gonna strip both of them naked-"


Y/n slam her hand on the table giving a fierce glare at them which send chills through their spines and Zack can feel it too even when he face somewhere

"I didn't know you want to die today" she spoke in a stern with a spite of a venom

"W-what's up with you!" Doo stutter almost peeing his pants

Jay who is panicking is trying to get y/n sit back down but then obediently stop as he sees the glare that y/n gives

Daniel don't want to interfere because of how scary y/n is at the moment be he had too nonetheless

"Hey guys... you've gone too far" Daniel comfort

This make everyone in the class surprised but Zack is furious when he is showing off Infront of Mira

Zack then kick the table which flew at y/n...but with a fast reflex she grab the table leg not budging

"You're f*cking funny, you know that" Zack said trying to ignore y/n still furious stare

He walk up to Daniel "get up you f*cking worm" this make Daniel panic inside his thought

And not long there is lots of student standing outside of fashion department wanting to see the fight of boxer Zack and pretty boy Daniel

"There's Zack lee!"

"Lightning hand!"

"Where's the new guy?"

Every girl is swoon by Daniel appearance but the said boy is terrified to get beaten again

Zack goons snickers at the scared Daniel and Zoe is trying to stop Zack from ruining Daniel beautiful face

Jay is calming y/n down by giving her a simmered salmon daikon out of nowhere... because he's a simp

Before Zack can punch him, his hand was hold back by the blonde teen

'what the f*ck is he?' Zack thought in annoyance

"What is jay doing?" Whisper start to flood

"Wow...first time I see him step up"

Zack staggered as he tried to release from jay iron grip 'he's usually like a fly on the wall...but his grip is incredibly strong!'

"Urgh!" He grumble as he took a glance at his crush "let go you d*ck" then quickly went to punch Daniel

"Now you're dead!"

It is all silent...

Daniel manage to move his head aside from Zack speed punch

Everyone cheers in amazement that Daniel manage to dodge Zack punch

'today is my first time that my body follows my will' Daniel thought


To be continued...


-daniel want to compliment her looks but too shy

-y/n was about to commit murder

-jay always gives accessories to y/n

-jay is jealous of Daniel when he entered the class with y/n

-zack about to piss himself when he sees y/n grab his table leg not even a nudge

-doo went to the bathroom because he peed his pants

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