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"Aviva? Viv, wake up." Jaxon's voice sneaks into my dreams, rousing me from my sleep. Groaning and turning over, I open one eye to look at him, frowning in annoyance from being woken up. Jaxon's face lights up in a smile, and if he hadn't just woken me up and dragged me out of a very nice dream, I might have thought it to be beautiful.
   "Sorry to wake you up, but it's almost noon and Kaden, Tyler and I are going out to get food. I thought I'd check with you if you wanted anything?" Jaxon's eyes travel around my room, taking in the details he's never got to pick up on before.

As annoyed as I am about being woken up, the sound of food does sound really good. As I sit up, Jaxon's gaze falls on me again and I'm suddenly very aware of how I must look right now with leftover make up and hair sticking out to all ends... it's an absolute dumpster fire of a look.
   Rubbing my face to bring some life back into it, I look up at the gorgeous man in front of me who looks like he's trying his hardest not to comment on my looks, "Some food would be nice, thank you. What I would love the most is a milkshake please. Other than that, surprise me, I'm not in the mood to try and decide on food right now."

Jaxon chuckles and nod his head as he walks towards the door, "alright, I'll make sure you get your milkshake. We should be back soon, so don't fall back asleep!" With a glare, I flip him off as he leaves, laughing all the way down the stairs.

Once the sound of the car pulling out of the driveway reaches me, I get out of bed and head straight for the shower, only stopping long enough to brush out the tangles in my hair. With one look in the mirror, my suspicions about my looks are confirmed... I look like a mess, and not even the hot kind... awesome.
      With a sigh of defeat, I hop in the shower, washing off the leftover make up, the smell of alcohol and the lingering feeling of embarrassment about admitting my dirty desires to my brother's two best friends... Bacardi? I hate you.

By the time Tyler, Jaxon and Kaden make it back, I'm sitting in the living room and slowly sipping on some water while going through my phone, making sure there's no need for damage control anywhere.
      "Looks like sleeping beauty finally made it out of bed." I look up to see Kaden smirking at me, Tyler laughing at his joke and I frown as I flip my middle finger up at them. I hear Jaxon chuckle next to me, and he hands me my milkshake, "I think I remember you saying strawberry is your favourite... I hope it's okay." Jaxon is smiling almost shyly, and I can't help but soften up as I take the milkshake, "yes, thank you Jaxon, it's perfect. Someone could learn a thing or two from you." I send a pointed look at Kaden and Tyler, who both burst out laughing like I've just said the joke of the year.

Taking a sip, I hum happily as the boys all sit down around the coffee table, Jaxon taking up his spot next to me with my brother and Kaden across from us. They're all talking about the party and who hooked up with who. I have no interest in knowing any of that at the moment, so I've just tuned them out as I eat my food, doing my little happy dance.

"Viv?... Sis?... AVIVA?!" I jump when Tyler practically yells my name, making me look at him in wide eyed shock. "Jesus Christ, where's your head at?" Tyler chuckles, throwing a chicken nugget in the air and catching it in his mouth before continuing, "remember I told you I have that game in Rothfort this weekend?"
      I frown but nod. As if I ever forget when Tyler tells me he's going anywhere with his soccer team, it means I get the house to myself, so of course I remember. "Right. Kaden and Jaxon will be staying here while I'm gone. Their apartment needs some pipes changed in the bathroom, and to make life easier, I offered them my room for the two nights I'm away."

I stop mid chew, eyes flying from Tyler to Kaden, who's staying quiet for once, to Jaxon who only gives me a glance, though it says enough; we're all thinking of the conversation we had last night.
      Clearing my throat and schooling my reaction back into neutral territory, I turn back to Tyler, "okay... I guess that makes sense. Am I allowed to make any rules for them though? Like them not bringing any girls over, or throwing a party?"
      Kaden snorts but doesn't say anything. I know what he's thinking though, so I shoot a glare at him. Just because of what was said last night, doesn't mean I'd be all jealous if they brought other girls in, I just don't feel like listening to them... and I don't want to risk saying something stupid again... cause damn you Bacardi.

Jaxon nudges my leg with his, and I look at him, taking in the way his lips move as he speaks, "we promise not to do any of that. This is your home, we're just guests. Any demands you have, we'll follow." I don't miss the little smirk at the end, followed by the slight shrug of his shoulders, and I also can't stop the blush that creeps into my cheeks at the innuendo. "Thanks... I think that settles everything then. Thank you for the food, it was lovely. I've got... stuff to do, so I'll be leaving you guys to it... yeah." I quickly move to get up, grab the cup that still has some milkshake left in it, and go back to my room, unable to stand the tension between Kaden, Jaxon and me any longer.

Thank god Tyler isn't picking up on any of it, or things could get ugly really fast.

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