chapter 5

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Julie’s Point of view (POV)
My life was perfect. I had the perfect boyfriend, Lucas. My friends were amazing. I was happy, that was until, little miss perfect came along. Her name was Alix, we had a lot of classes together. She looked like me, but her hair, eyes and clothes were a lighter shade than mine. She had light blue bangs the rest of her hair was light purple. Her eyes was a mixture of blue and purple, but lighter. She was always happy, like nothing could make her mad. It annoyed me, and I hated her a lot. She wore glasses when she was reading, other than that she had them off.
    When I was born I was put into an adoption center. I never told anyone that. I couldn’t trust them. The people working at the adoption center were my family. I was put into foster home after foster home. No one wanted me. I was quite, I didn’t tell anyone anything. I wouldn’t even talk to people. I was smart enough for my age. I was 12 when I finally got a real home. The people that adopted me where kind. They took the time to get to know me. They understood how I felt. I loved and trusted them. They had one other kid, a boy named Zeno, he was Australian. He would always make these jokes and it would make me laugh. He had a sweet smell to him, and he was tall. He was in the same grade as me, his hair was white with a little grey in it. His eyes where a light but bright blue, I loved them. I thought of him as a brother, nothing more and nothing less.
“Hey sis” Zeno said to me while he walked out of the bathroom.
“Hey Zen” I replied.
“How’s your morin’ going” he asked
“It goods, how about you” I asked him
“It’s okay, I have to go to work today, we’re getting a new fox” he was smiling. I loved when he talked about his job. I loved hearing about it, I love listening to his voice.
“Oh, so you won’t be at school for awhile..” I said sadly
“Hey” he said pulling me into a hug “it’ll be okay, you got your boy-toy Lucas.” I hated when he said boy-toy, because Lucas wasn’t my boy-toy, he was my boyfriend.
“He ain’t my “boy-toy” so please stop calling him that Zen” I said walking into the bathroom. That’s how every morning usually started off, he would be walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, and he would start up a conversation. He’d tell me is he would be at work or school that day. I never really cared if he was at school or work, I was just sad he wasn’t gonna be able to talk to me all day.
  But last night, he wasn’t at home. I didn’t see him come out the bathroom today. I was worried. He didn’t greet me, it hurt. Then I knew it. It was her fault. She took another person from me. She had that stupid sweet look on her face, making her look so innocent. But I knew, I knew she wasn’t innocent. She took Lucas from me. She took most of my friends. But now she went too far! She is taking Zen from me. My own brother. The guy I trusted with my life. I hated her for it, for everything she is doing. I ran into my room screaming and crying. I heard my parents running up the stairs into my room. But my mother told my dad to stay out for a bit.
“Darling what wrong?” She asked
“SHE IS TAKING EVERYTHING FROM ME!” I yelled through my tears.
“Who is she? How is she taking everyone?” My mom asked.
“Her” I said showing my mom a picture “SHE TAKING EVERYONE! SHE IS TAKING ZEN AND LUCAS AND ALL MY FRIENDS!” I yelled while crying.
“Isn’t that the girl that you just hired?” Mom asked my dad.
“Yeah, her name is Alix” he said “she is a sweet girl.”
“NO SHE ISN’T I WANT YOU TO FIRE HER NOW” I yelled at him while crying.
“I can’t, we need her there I’m sorry” he said walking away.
“NOW SHE TOOK MY OWN FATHER!” I started crying more “I HATE HER SO MUCH!” Mom left my room, she said I could stay home today and I was. I wasn’t going to go to the stupid school anymore. I’ll go to a new one. Make new friends. Start a new life. I didn’t want her in it.
    Alix POV
I woke up with Zeno looking at me. At first it scared me but I didn’t move. I stayed laying down one his leg. It was relaxing looking into his light but bright blue eyes, they calmed me.
“Good morin’ love” he said is his accent.
“Morning Zeno” I said sleepily. Zero started to move around on my lap and he crawled up to my face. He started licking my face.
“Zero please stop that” I said picking Zero up so I could sit up.
“The vet said Zero couldn’t be left alone. Someone has to be with him at all times” he said “but I have to go to school, or I might have to repeat this year.”
“I’ll watch him, I mean I work well with foxes, so can I take him home and watch him” I said. He looked at me for awhile, then he shook his head yes. I got up, and grab some of Zero’s things and Zeno said that he will call his dad to pick us up.
    When Rio got there he saw how well behaved Zero was being. I had a collar on him and a leash.
“How’d she do it?” He asked.
“I don’t know, I think it was magic” Zeno said laughing.
“It’s not that hard to do it” I said rolling my eyes. I got Zero into the car, and Zeno put Zero’s stuff into the car. Rio took me home and my brother look worried. He asked me question after question, not giving me the time to answer any of them. Then he pulled me into a hug. I grabbed Zero’s leash and took him into the house. Zeno got Zeros things and we made him a little area in my room. Then Zeno left and I was alone with Zero in my room. I told my brother I would have to stay home with Zero.
   Max called me and we talked, then Lucas called me and told me things. I wasn’t really excited about anything they said. So I told them I had to go and hung up. I went over to my little corner that had most of my parents things. I looked at the picture of them, and almost started crying. I couldn’t hold the tears back. I fell to the ground, crying. I missed them so much. I couldn’t help but feel it was my fault. I don’t know why, but it was my fault. I always blamed myself when bad things happened. When my brother broke his arm, I blamed myself, when my grandmother got hurt, I blamed myself. I blamed myself for everything. My brother tried to stop me blaming myself. But he couldn’t change it. I still blame myself for everything.
“Alix” my mother would always say to me every morning “good morning time for breakfast”
“Hmm” I would reply “I’ll be ready in a minute.” But everyone knew I would just go back to sleep. Zero whining snapped me out of my memories.
“What’s wrong boy” I asked him. He kept whining, he crawled up on my lap and cuddled me. “Zero I’m fine” I said wiping my tears. I started petting Zero, and before I knew it someone was calling. I picked up my phone and saw Zeno’s name on the screen.
“Hello” I said putting the phone one speaker.
“Hey, how are you?” Zeno asked.
“I’m good how about you?” I replied.
“Well I’m leaving school early to come help you with Zero” he said.
“Everything fine, you don’t need to come” I said. I knew Zeno needed to be in school, and I wanted him here and all. But if he doesn’t go to school he might have to repent this year.
“Well I am your boss, so I don’t try to stop me” he said “and anyways I have all the class work we will being doing today.”
“Okay if you insist.” I said, then I hung up.

   A few minutes later Zeno was knocking on my door. Zero and I went running down the stairs. I fell into the door and hit my head pretty hard.
“Alix you okay” he said laughing.
“I’m fine I just fell” I said with a laugh. I got up and opened the door with my hand on my head.
“You don’t look okay, love” he said while examining my head injury. “Zero, go up stairs and wait for us” I told Zero, and he listened.
“So you two have a good bound I’m guessing” Zeno said while taking me to the bathroom.
“Yeah we have, I guess” I said shyly.
“He loves you, I can tell” he turned around and grabbed some medical thing out of the cabinet “my sister, Julie, said you stole her boyfriend and friends, did you?”
“No! I didn’t steal anything from her” I started to whine “Lucas walked up to me and told me I had to be his girlfriend, and her friends started talking to me! I never meant to take anyone from her” I started to cry at the end.
“Hey, don’t cry it’s okay. She is known to be over dramatic about things” he tried to get me to stop crying.
“You must think I’m a horrible person” I said looking him in his light, bright blue eyes.
“No I don’t” he said whipping the tears off my eyes “I don’t thing your a horrible person.” He finished fixing my head and we walk up to my room. I sat down by Zero on my bed and Zeno grabbed my desk chair and rolled it over to my bed and sat there. Me and him talked for a long time. Then I decided that he should start on his work, so I forced him to did it. I helped him with it, and I learned what we did in school today.  After a while I fell backwards onto my bed while Zeno fed Zero.
“I look a lot like Julie” I said “she looks a lot like my mom”
“What does your mom look like” Zeno asked. I rolled off my bed, almost hit my head on my night stand. Then I picked up a picture of my mom and showed him.
“Maybe your mom looks like Julie” he said laughing
“No Julie looks like my mom” I said laughing
“Okay, maybe you and Julie are twins..?” He said questioning. I didn’t fight him about it, but I didn’t want to agree with it. She is just so mean to me, how could she be my twin. Plus I don’t even have a twin.

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