Chapter Three - The Drama Llama begins...

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Chapter 3.

He woke up stupidly early on the 17th December. It was about 2am when Dan woke up in a cold sweat and gasping for air. That was the worst nightmare yet.

Ever since Phil came out the horrible tension and awkwardness between the two boys practically disintegrated. Dan still acted as before and he could tell Phil was grateful to him for that. But that was when the nightmares had started.                  Every night would be the same. He would be walking down Oxford Street with Phil and Peej. They would go into John Lewis because PJ said he needed to get a present for his mother, when they were in the store suddenly out of nowhere, all these people wearing We Are The Anonymous masks crowded the store and starting to push and pull Dan away from Phil and PJ. No matter how much he screamed out for Phil, the masked figures would pull him away more forcefully.                                                                                                                   When the others were out of sight, the figures would drag him down to the floor and start assaulting him physically throwing punches anywhere they could. He struggled to get free from the fists and when he was released he ran through the crowd desperate to find Phil again. In his search he would see Phil on the escalator and again, no matter how loud he cried out to the boy, Phil would never turn around.

Dan would then race up the stairs to Phil and when he reached him, he would spin his friend around and then scream at what he saw. Phil’s face a covered in blood, his eyes and lips swollen, his nose crocked and dripping, his voice horse and breathing ragged. “D-D-Dan” He would stutter “P-Peej...He’s...Go...” Phil would whisper hurriedly before looking at Dan with eyes filled with terror and then push himself away, falling backwards over the railings, into the crowd of people below. “CATCH HIM!” Dan would scream but they just stepped aside and let Phil’s body crash to the floor with a sickening cracking thud. Just before hit the ground though, Dan could swear on his life that he saw Phil mouth ‘I love you’. At this point Dan would erupt into tears and try to go down to his friends limp body but he was paralyzed, he would try to yell and shout but the words would always catch in his throat. He would then feel a sharp tug on his hair, twisting him around to face Peej. “Oh my days, PJ I’m so glad to see you-“Dan would say but PJ would just smile sweetly at him, so sweetly is made Dan feel sick. PJ then would start pushing Dan backwards, over the railings, making him lean dangerously over the edge. “If I can’t have Phil, neither can you.” Was the last thing he heard before he was thrown over the edge and was free falling to the imminent death below him.                                                                                    When he hit the floor, he didn’t feel any pain, just very sleepy. The last thing he did before he woke up was turn to Phil and whisper “I love you too”. Then a bright light would appear and it would suddenly go black. He would hear blood curdling screams and Phil screaming his name until he woke up.


He woke up stupidly early on 17th December. It was about 2am when Phil woke up to screaming coming from the next room. By the time he had shaken the feeling of sleep from his head, the screaming had turned into muffled whimpers. Pushing away his duvet he climbed out of his bed plodding across his room, into the hallway he crept into Dan’s room.                                                                      “D-D-Dan?” Phil asked timidly and jumped ten feet in the air as Dan sat bolt upright and screamed out “DON’T FALL PHIL, DON’T LEAVE ME!” Before collapsing into tears and rolling onto his front, but never truly waking. Phil sat down by Dan and started to try to shake the crying boy awake.

“DAN!!!” Phil began to yell when the sleeping mess that was his friend began to babble incoherently when suddenly Dan jerked awake covered in a cold sweat and gasping for air. He took a moment to recall his surroundings before he realised Phil was holding him closely and stroking his hair.

“What the-“ Dan muttered frantically pulling away from Phil leaving his friend very confused and to be honest, a little offended. “Dan, you were having another nightmare...” The ebony haired boy said timidly, trying not to sound like he was watching Dan sleep. When Dan didn’t reply, he continued. “Hey” He smiled, rubbing Dan’s arm softly “This is what, the third one this week?” Dan nodded. “Do you want to talk about it?” Dan shook his head almost violently. “Okay, well something is obviously bothering you, so please?” Phil gave Dan his best puppy eyes “Can you tell me? Pweaaasseee?” He pleaded scooting over to where Dan was huddled, pushing his face into Dan’s until Dan sighed and agreed to tell him.      “Urgh. Okay, okay!” Dan finally gave in but still didn’t warm to Phil’s close proximity.

As he began to recite his dream, he found himself getting lost in Phil’s baby blue eyes. He never really noticed the clarity of them when he was in awe, or just being Phil – easily awed by everything. As his story continued, Dan still remained aware of how close Phil was sitting. The older boy was plonked down, cross-legged opposite Dan, their knees practically touching and Phil was leaning forward on his elbows with his hands clasped together, resting on Dan’s calves, as he was also sitting with his legs crossed.  By this time Dan had finished reciting his nightmare and Phil just sat there with wide eyes. (Dan deliberately left out the part where he and Phil confessed their love for one another and he defiantly left out what Peej had said...) “Dan, I...I never knew you...” Phil looked up at him and suddenly smirked “LOVED ME THAT MUCH!” He practically threw himself at Dan, throwing his arms around his neck and pulled their bodies together. Dan squeaked slightly, tensing up at first, but eventually relaxing into the touch.

When Phil pulled away, Dan instantly missed the warmth of the other boy’s body. He then felt something wet against his face.                                                         “What the hell, Phil!” Dan exclaimed, wiping Phil’s spit off of his cheek while Phil collapsed, giggling girlishly. “Remember when we were in Manchester, you were about to leave for uni, and then I blew a raspberry in your ear to cheer you up? But you turned you head at the last minute and I licked your face?” Phil choked out between laughs. Dan chuckled and nodded his head. “Well, this time I just missed out the raspberry” and then leaned in to lick Dan again but the other boy managed to wriggle away. Phil then activated his tickle attack powers and grasped Dan by the waist and dug his fingers into the squirming boy’s ribs.

“Phil-Ph-Phil! I c-can’t b-b-breathe!” Dan gasped as he tried in vain to remove the offending hands but failing miserably.                                                               After Dan threatened that he was about to wet himself, they both collapsed in a heap of laughter, bodies tangled into one.                                                 They were lying in a comfortable silence, the only noise being the sound of each other’s heavy breathing. This went on for some time until Phil adjusted his torso slightly so he was lying on top of Dan. He placed his forearms by the sides of his room-mates head, leaning on his elbows and captured Dan’s hazel eyes. He smiled slightly and before Dan knew what he was doing, he felt himself lift his head up and kiss Phil’s nose lightly.

He fell back to the pillow, his eyes wide with fear but Phil just laughed and got up and went to leave the room. “Goodnight Dan. See you in a few hours.” And with that, Phil was gone and Dan felt horribly alone and a little confused. Phil hadn’t showed any sort of shock. Ignoring that fact and the light butterfly feeling in the pit of his stomach he climbed back under the covers and fell back to sleep.

For the first time in a long while, Dan dreamt of nothing but llamas and Pokémon...

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