Chapter 34

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August 30 1980

As for Mary, she could not get over the trauma of having lost Lily at such a young age. 2 hours after Astra and Peter's tense conversation, she barricaded herself in her dressing room, and cried these heaving sobs, sobs of a woman who had just lost somebody who had become family. Even though Lily was quite annoying, even bratty at times, Mary still loved her no matter what stupid thing she did. One thing was for sure, she was not going to go on the air tonight. Going on the air would just bring back memories, memories of having lost her loved one. She had worked up the courage to go on air and present videos after Lily's death but right now....she just didn't have the strength. Eventually, Brian and Astra began to wonder where Mary was when she didn't show up in time for work. Just then, Astra heard some loud sobs from Mary's dressing room. Brian knocked at the door and said. "Honey, you're supposed to be on the air right now. What's the matter?" 

When he garnered no response, he tried again. "Mary?"

Mary, through tears, cried. "Leave me alone!"

Brian was growing annoyed. People were waiting for Mary. Their fans were waiting for Mary. Why the hell was she making this difficult? Brian muttered. "Oh, for fuck's sake, our fans are going to go nuts."

Brian knocked even harder, and when she didn't respond, he shouted, enraged. "MARY! YOU BITCH! GET YOUR FAT ASS OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!"

Mary replied, anguished. "Look, I just can't do it tonight. I just can't!"

Astra was getting annoyed with Brian's antics. She gave him a look that seemed to mean. "Stop it Brian. Stop kicking this poor girl when she's already down." 

She knocked at the dressing room door and said. "Mary? You ok sis?"

Brian angrily pushed Astra away and yelled. "LOOK! STOP KEEPING EVERYBODY WAITING! YOU WANNA END UP HOMELESS? HUH?"

Astra'd had enough of Brian being a total dick to his wife. She was having a nervous breakdown and all he could think about was the viewership. She knew the fans would understand once they found out why. Besides, she could have Mary's airtime for now. It's not like no other VJ's we're available. She sighed. Astra ordered Brian. "Get a doctor now. I mean it. The poor thing's crying her eyes out."

Brian walked away, and now that he was gone, Astra told Mary. "Sis? Brian's gone. He went to call the paramedics. Can I go in?"

She entered the dressing room, and what she saw shocked her. Mary's hair was all disheveled, and her face was wet with tears. Astra immediately approached her sister and said to her. "I'm not going anywhere, Kay? Is it ok if I hug you?"

Mary nodded yes, and Astra embraced her in a hug that seemed to go on forever. Brian eventually let Astra VJ for the evening, and luckily the fans weren't upset and they completely understood. But after this, things would take a turn for the worst for both Brian and Mary.

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