Chapter 13

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Some weeks later, a party was being held at Elisabeth's apartment. Currently, Veronica was hanging out with her buddies and all and all having a good time as Cher songs played in the background. Dr Flash, her co-worker. (He did the Saturday night show.) decided to talk to her. Mr. Flash was a tall 40 year old man with glasses with some sort of a blonde Proto-mullet. Veronica replied, "Hi! How's your day?" 

Flash replied. "Oh, pretty good. My wife has meat casserole spilled all over her!" 

Veronica replied. "Oh, how'd that happen?"

Flash replied. "Oh, the damn thing just spilled over! You'd expect the Daltons to get themselves a pot that won't easily rip over but no! Lis is such a cheapskate she has to get the crap ones!" 

Just then, Elisabeth's sister Angelina and her husband, Mario walked over to Mr. Flash. "Oh, don't speak that way about my sister, She's worked hard for every penny she's earned! You've known her since she was a teenager!" Said Angelina. 

Flash apologized. "Sorry Mrs...Roselli. I didn't mean to offend...anyone." 

Then, 2 more people came to the party. It was Clarice Slater and her daughter, Ebony. Clarice was a beautiful black woman in her late 30s with a natural Afro, which she grew out after years of straightening. Ebony was the spitting image of her mother, with braids in her hair. She was 13, and usually spent the day at VideoVision while her mother wrote another Sci-Fi novel. You see, Clarice was one of the best Sci-Fi writers in the country and Ebony aspired to be like like her mother one day, writing amazing Sci-Fi stories. Elisabeth was very happy to see her old friend, Clarice. "Hi, Clarice! How's that story of your's coming along?" 

"Amazing! I just got to the part where the alien prince joins Spacefleet incognito as a human officer!"

 "Seems like you hit it out of the ballpark this time!" Said her longtime girlfriend, Carol.

 "Now, Ebony, why don't you run along and hang out with the kids. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything!"

 Ebony was very good friends with the girls from VideoVision and she admired Veronica and how great she was at everything. Also hanging out in the living room, was Pandora's daughter, Miranda, a 14 year old girl. Also hanging out here, was Sarah and Lily, and Harmony, an 11 year old girl. Harmony was talking to Veronica and Lilly about recent news regarding her mother, Anna. "Well, Mom's going to be traveling the world. She says she's trying to find meaning in her life. She's going to Belgium first. She's very skilled in a lot of languages, so I think she'll get by. Plus, she'll write to us every month." 

Harmony continued, "The sad thing is that we have to move to New York City. My dad's in this punk band, he plays bass. He says he has to be close by to his other bandmates so they can collaborate easier. It's going to be hard not knowing anyone." 

Sarah comforted her friend."Cheer up, Harm. Elisabeth has some nieces who lives there. Also, I think you might like New York. It's like an adventure! Plus, There's plenty of roller discos. You might even find a new hobby there!"

 "Well, thanks for the advice, Sarah. You're a great help!" She hugged Sarah. 

After a while, Lis and Rabbit went to the bathroom to be alone together. "So, Lis, my Dear, How's everything going?" 

"Oh, darling, everything's been going horrendous. Tom's micromanaged every aspect of this damn party! I've had no say in choosing anything! Not even the food!" 

"Well, I suppose Tom has horrible taste in food. Just look at the fucking watercress salad!" 

"Yeah, I felt like I was going to puke just cooking it!"

"Rabbit, I feel so guilty about cheating on Tom. He'll kill me. Literally kill me!!"

"Oh, come on Lis. He's hurt you so much. He's been a godawful husband, He can't treat you the way I do. Let's make out, Kay?" 

They made out for a while until Tom walked in to use the bathroom. "Lis, Why the hell are you kissing Rabbit." 

Lis played innocent. "Oh, Uh...Sorry, Uh, he's drunk. Okay? So, Uh.....I'm sure you'd like some watercress salad, just a suggestion from your wife?"

 "Lis. Don't play dumb with me. I know what you're doing." 

Rabbit then walked up to Tom and said, "Tom. She doesn't love you. She's not your property." 

"Well, Lis. I've literally done everything for you. I've sacrificed everything for your job." 

"By sacrificed you mean, cheat on me with a younger woman?" 

Just then, the partygoers were starting to notice what was happening and walked over to the scene. Mr. Flash said, to Elisabeth's remark, "Two can play at that game, honey. Two can play at that game." 

Tom agreed, "Flash does have a point, I just caught you with Rabbit!" 

"Well, you're the one who cheated first!" Lis pointed at Tom. 

"You two, stop fighting. The kids are noticing. Move this fight somewhere else or the party's over." Lily's piano teacher, (And co-host of the Saturday night show.) Cindy tried to reason. 

"Well, why should I damn care. Lis is not being a good wife." Tom said. 

Pandora said, defending Lis. "Well, Tom, look who's talking. Weren't you the one who Lis caught cheating with Brian's office assistant!"

 Her husband, William added, "Yeah. Lis was literally bawling when she found out!" 


 Anna gasped while Carol reasoned, "First of all Tom, there's no need to scream like that. And second, Anna is a nice woman. She hasn't done anything wrong. I know she's a sex worker, but that does not make her any less of a kind person. She is just like us, she just so happens to be a porn star."


"You know what Tom? You know what? I'm leaving." 

Elisabeth went to her room and starting packing things up. She'd reached her breaking point, and she was leaving. 

Tom tried to make her stay. "Oh, come on Lis-."

 "No excuses. I don't like what you just said about Anna, I don't like what you just said about me." 

Rabbit was also helping her pack, and he told Tom. "She chose me Tom. We're moving in together, and we're gonna be one big happy family." 

"If you need me, I'll be at Pandora's." Lis then slapped Tom, and left the room. Everyone was going home now, and everyone was tired. 

Angelina then approached Lis and told her, "Well, Lis. Tom was trying to help you. He has tried to make you a better person, you're just....a bit too aggressive."

 "Shut up, Angelina. Don't call us." Elisabeth walked out of the her apartment never to return again.

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