Chapter 4

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【yes no】


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The quiet ambience of the h/c's room was peaceful to say the least, the moments of peacefulness she appreciated. Leaning back in her chair Y/n groaned, stretching while her limbs cracked quietly. Maybe she'd go downstairs now, nothing to do, all her books back at home and wanting to do something productive Y/n changed from her sleep wear into her clothes quickly, walking downstairs she took in the productive work of her sister and friends, Keekee was happily snoozing on the couch in the lobby, her tail swishing every now and then. Razzle and Dazzle, two adorable but also dangerous critters that looked after Y/n then Charlie were helping said princess and Vaggie by hanging up a banner, the messy painted writing of 'happy first week Sir Pentious' was in placid blue and yellow words. 

"That looks perfect! Aah! I am so excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel!" Charlie exclaimed, noticing her sister over by the staircase but not saying anything. The h/c royal hanging about Angel dust with a tired groan, although she had been up for ages and all her usual morning activities had been completed, she still felt like shit and wanted to go back to sleep. Vaggie faltered for a moment. "Um...Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago." The mothlike demon reasoned, resting a hand on her hip. "Well, I haven't seen him try to pull any of that here." Charlie replied, shrugging while noticing the large machine Pentious had rolled in, his egg boiz close behind or sitting on said machine. Vaggie, having nothing of the sort motioned with an annoyed expression. "What the hell is that?" Sir Pentious looked over, as if expecting the question. "Oh, hello, purple female. It's my new invention, the Skin Flayer 11,000! I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents." This made Charlie panic, only a little bit, however. "What? Why?" Pentious looked around ominously for a moment, like he was about to share a deep secret. "Everyone is being too nice. Obviously, it must be a lie. I can sense that they are planning to kill me, but when? How? I must be prepared! Ooh, the new parts of my machine are here." The inventor answered, moments after two well-dressed people walk in with crates on a trolly, the more scientist looking character held a clipboard, disinterest on her face much like the same on the other, darker character. The one with the clipboard sighed, holding out the clipboard as Sir Pentious slithered over with enthusiasm. "Sign, please." They drawled, Pentious gladly signing the board while the crates were moved over to the serpentlike demon. Taking back the clipboard the pair started were ready to leave. "Thank you for your business. Enjoy your purchase." The scientist boredly quipped, the two possibly related demons walked out, Vaggie stared at Pentious in disbelief, already done with the stuff the inventor has pulled. "What says she'll murder him?" Angel asked the heiress, Y/n only shrugging. "I say Charlie stops her or something." The h/c replied plainly, noticing Husker sluggishly walk in and immediately go behind the bar, Angel dust yet to notice the bartender.

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