Chapter 14 - A Rude Awakening

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As Brayden slowly started to wake up, panic set in. He couldn't move his arms or legs. He was hot, and his body was damp with sweat. His eyes shot open. He was laying on his back, staring at a white ceiling. The room was dark. He was about to yell for help when his brain finally started to catch up. Slowly he remembered where he was. He remembered the events of the previous day. His heart rate slowly came back down to normal. He could hear rain softly hitting the window. He had no way of telling the time. The house was quiet, aside from Owen lightly snoring on one side of him. To the other side he heard the swooshing of a nylon sleeping bag as Aiden moved in his sleep.  Eventually, the teen fell back asleep.

Once again Brayden awoke. He could hear a commotion in the room. This time there was only darkness when he opened his eyes. He could feel fabric touching his face, and it had the distinct smell of sweaty balls and stale farts. Horrifyingly, the next thing he heard was an earth shattering PFFFHHHHHTT! accompanied by the feeling of warm air on his face. This was immediately followed by the most noxious and rancid smell that he had ever smelled. 

As the enormous underwear clad bum lifted from the nerd's face, the bright light of the room further attacked another one of his senses. The unmistakable deep booming hysterical laugh identified his attacker as Tex. The Giant muscular beast crashed down on the floor beside Brayden as he continued to belly laugh uncontrollably. The massive Jock was literally rolling on the floor laughing. 

Judging by Owen's nasially whining and gagging, combined with Cole's laughter, The four eyed nerd had suffered the same rude awakening. 

Over in Aiden's direction, Mitch let out a short squeaker then boasted, " I thought I was going to I shit my pants". This caused his two hysterical athletes to laugh even harder. None of the freshmen nerds found the situation quite so funny. 

"Great! Now I am probably going to get pink eye!", cried Owen. This did nothing to calm the rowdy bunch. 

Eventually, the laughter subsided, and the foul smells dissipated. Mitch and Tex started untying the many knots that trapped Brayden and Owen in their puffy cocoons. Cole worked to unwind the many layers of ultra sticky tape from around Aiden's face. Once the spit soaked wad was removed from his mouth, the tiny nerd meekly asked for water. His mouth was dry from many hours being gagged. Cole sat the sleeping bag bound twerp upright and slowly poured a bottle of water in his mouth. Once the whole bottle was gone, Cole smirked as he said, "Okay, ready for the other sock now?" Aiden erupted into a verbal tsunami of begging, crying and pleading. After giving him time to tire himself out, Cole finally laughed and replied, "I was just joking, runt".  The nerdy freshman looked embarrassed yet relieved. 

Once all three nerds had been freed from their confinement, they were left to shower and get dressed as the seniors went downstairs for breakfast. Brayden was the first to shower. Once he was done, Owen went next. Brayden waited in the bedroom with Aiden, as he knew he was probably going to be ambushed by the seniors, if he went downstairs alone. The smaller teen quietly played on his phone, while Brayden took the time to roll up the sleeping bags and coil up the lengths of rope. He hoped the good deed would prevent more forced chores today.  

Once Aiden went for his shower, the two remaining nerds sat in awkward silence. The tension from last night's conversation was still strong. Brayden was the one to finally speak up. He apologised for the misunderstandings. Owen seemed unsure how to react. He was not used to people apologising for treating him poorly. 

"It was actually kinda brave of you to try to save us in the locker room", commented Brayden. "Why did you even do it?

Owen thought for a second, then blushed with embarrassment. 

"What?" asked Brayden, curiously. 

Reluctantly, Owen replied, "It will sound even stupider saying it out loud, but I hoped if I repaid the favor and helped free you, maybe you guys would let me sit at your table at lunch". The nerd fidgeted awkwardly, then added, "I know, stupid, right?!". 

"You know that we aren't exactly the popular kids table, right?" questioned Brayden. This caused Owen to chuckle a little. "You are always welcome at our table, friend", added Brayden. 

 "Really? You mean that?", asked Owen in disbelief. 

Brayden nodded, and replied, "Yes"..

Owen lunged at Brayden and latched on with a bear hug. 

"What the heck!" shouted a very confused Aiden, as he opened the bathroom door.

The two teens broke apart. Brayden was clearly embarrassed by the situation. Owen tried to hide his excitement and act cool. 

As the three nerds left the bedroom, Aiden whispered to Brayden, "What was that all about?!" 

Brayden replied, "He is just a little excited for lunch at school tomorrow. He really likes mac and cheese day I guess".

Like three nerdy ninja's, The freshmen slowly and very cautiously ascended the stairs. They tried to remain as stealth as possible. The lower level was far too quiet. The trio was expecting the seniors to have an ambush ready, but where?  

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