×First Fight×

886 11 18

(TW; Cussing)


× Gon was going away again but you didn't want him to leave×"You barely ever talk to me or see me anymore, I'm not allowing you to go"×"But (Name)-"×"NO, no buts

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× Gon was going away again but you didn't want him to leave
×"You barely ever talk to me or see me anymore, I'm not allowing you to go"
×"But (Name)-"
×"NO, no buts. You always put me to the side. Did you ever love?"
×"What? (Name) I love you"
×"Do you? Because to me it seems like I'm really easy to throw away"
×"I can't do this anymore, I'm going to bed"
×"Good night Gon
× When you woke up in the morning he was gone


× Killua was very distant× He didn't talk to at all or see you at all× He didn't talk to anyone not even Gon× He finally came out of his room after days of being in there×"KILLUA! Oh thank God your ok"× He stayed silent×"Are you ok? What happened?...

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× Killua was very distant
× He didn't talk to at all or see you at all
× He didn't talk to anyone not even Gon
× He finally came out of his room after days of being in there
×"KILLUA! Oh thank God your ok"
× He stayed silent
×"Are you ok? What happened? Why were you hiding from everyone? Everyone was really worried about you"
× He gritted his teeth
×"Shut up, shut up shut up SHUT UP"
× He runs back to his room pushing you into the wall
× Making you hit your head really hard


× You were completely fine with Kurapika going to find his clans eyes but× He changed× He didn't hang out with his friends, he didn't talk to you × All he did was kill, search and stare at the eyes he's collected× The last straw is when he refused...

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× You were completely fine with Kurapika going to find his clans eyes but
× He changed
× He didn't hang out with his friends, he didn't talk to you
× All he did was kill, search and stare at the eyes he's collected
× The last straw is when he refused to visit Gon on the hospital
× He just stared at you
×"Why aren't you at the hospital"
×"There's no need for me to be there"
×"That is such bullshit you and I both know it, He's your friend for fucks sake"
×"Why can't you be there for you friend after all he's been with with you"
×"You've changed"
× Just silence
×"Do you even love me?"
× Again he just stared
×"Alright, that answers my question. We are over Kurapika"

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