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Hi guys, it's been a long while. I'm doing good I just haven't been working on this because I haven't found a lot of time nor motivation to finish these headcanons. But I'm going to try to make time to finally complete and add onto the headcanons. I have been making small updates and changes to previous chapters like really bad grammar and etc. I'm still working on proof-reading through previous chapters and changing them to where they make more sense.

I would also appreciate it a lot if you guys could request some headcanons for upcoming chapters because I have some major writers block on what to do for future chapters. I would also want to know if you guys want me to add on my characters like other members or the phantom troupe because I know I'm forgetting some. And also other characters from the chimera arc like Meruem and Shaipouf. But this goes for other characters in the anime that you want me to add from any arc or season. Just let me know and I'll consider adding them!

I'll try my best to keep up continuing adding on to these headcanons. Thank you so much for all the reads and votes, I deeply appreciate it. I enjoy seeing my work be viewed by others. Again thank you so much for all the reads. I also really enjoy reading your guys comments so thank you guys again for commenting.

I'll keep you guys updated, as for now I'll keep continuing to proof read through the chapters and slightly change them.


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