Kokushibo X Reader

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Requested By @RandomCreature1



Author's note: Modern technology is a thing

Kokushibo wasn't the type who liked waiting espesually when they were late, which is why it wasn't a big surprise that he left because you were late.

"Fuck" you didn't plan on being late but things happened, you pulled out your phone and dialed Kokushibo's number.

"The number you have dialed..." You hung up before she could finish, you tried again. You were going to keep calling him until he answered.

"...Hello?" Finally he picked up.

"Where are you"

"I left"

"No shit, I mean how far away are you?"

"I just left two minutes ago, I'm at a small coffee shop that just opened up"

"Okay I'm coming, don't go anywhere"

"Depends if you're late" he chuckled and hung up, you didn't want him leaving so you basically ran to the coffee shop, luckily it wasn't so far.


The door bell rang once you entered, you looked very exhausted. You looked everywhere trying to locate Kokushibo, once you saw him you raced over to him.

"Oh look who it is" you sit down trying to catch your breath, you haven't ran like that in forever.

"Ha ha, you're so funny"

"I know" he takes a sip of his smoothie, he was obviously trying to brag about him having something to drink while you didn't. So out of pettiness and because you needed a drink you took that smoothie out of his hands and drank some.

"Hey, that was mine" you place the cup down, now halfway empty.

"Key word was" you stick your tongue out as a way to claim victory. He just rolls his eyes and watches you drink the rest of what was left.

"Man that was really good, you should've had some" you say in a joking way.

"I did until someone came and took it"

"I wonder who that is" you toss the empty cup in the bin and walk back to kokushibo, you two gathered your things and left.


"I'm so bord" you looked at Kokushibo.

"Than go home"

"Ouch that was a bit harsh don't you think?" you held your heart acting like he just tore it out of it's place.

"Considering that it's you, no" he left and went to the living room, after acting injured dramaticly you gave in and sat next to him.

"Oh great, you followed"

"Yeah without me your life would be so boring" you snached the remote from his hand and put something on that you liked.

"Really?, than I am so greatful that your in it" you blush a little but then quickly hide it.

"You better be" you stoped staring at Kokushibo and watched the show/movie.


"You better not be late next time, or else" you roll your eyes.

"I know, I'm not a kid anymore"

"Sure seems like it" you lightly punch him in the arm.

🍋Kny Demon's X Reader Smut🍋Where stories live. Discover now