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For Little Jacob, the reason Niko came back was not making any sense at all. When he heard the name Bulgarin, he didn't know what to make of it.

For what he knew, Bulgarin was dead for a long time. Initially, he thought that since Niko wasn't around he Bulgarin met his end, he didn't hear the news, and maybe now, after so long, he came back because of a whiff in the wind... or maybe, after all this time, Niko was still battling with some demons, and there was something that Jacob was missing.

He wanted to make sure what was going on. He wanted to know that Niko wasn't on some sort of a quest with no ending or maybe a ghost hunt.

Little Jacob: Yah... listen up me bredda... I don't know what you heard bredda but Bulgaring bit the dust.

Badman: Man is history.

Little Jacob: True that Badman, that gone down long time ago.

Niko Bellic: I know... I heard that... but it's more than that.

Niko Bellic: To be honest, I don't think the bastard is still alive.

Niko Bellic: I heard that some guy running around the nightclub scene whacked him. Even so, not that long ago that name has been popping up... and just as a curse I can't get away from it, so it got to my ears.

Niko Bellic: He might be dead, but I don't know much about his legacy. When I was working for him, I heard something at one point about him having a son with some unknown whore he spent a couple of nights.

Niko Bellic: That might just be that case... or maybe his boys got the pack back together and now they're just unleashing their torment on everyone... especially those who wronged the father of their little playgroup.

Niko Bellic: This guy had a whole crime syndicate. He built it all up. The Bulgarin Bratva regardless of who is at the steering wheel, it's not going to stop.

Niko Bellic: Do you know how bad of a motherfucker you need to be to have your own brotherhood called after you?

Niko Bellic: And this guy never had what it took to just walk up to the biggest bully in the yard and punch him in the face but he knew that if he went to all the pussies and he would beat enough of them, people would take notice and look at him as on of the big baddies in the yard.

Niko Bellic: That shit worked perfectly for him because his reputation was carried over and nobody stopped to take a second look. It was a stroke of luck, but it worked for him.

Niko Bellic: I don't want to hear that name ever again! I don't want that name to affect anything anymore.

Niko Bellic: All this is still a puzzle for me, but I have a way to get them all together. From that... a little brain work should do the trick.

Little Jacob: Well me bredda, you came to the right place! All the Yardies stand tall with you... and Badman needs some R&R.

Badman: Been feelin irie for too much... that stuff gon play with the head if not checked.

Niko Bellic: That's why I came to you. Before we get on this, I'll need a place to keep low and some rides to get by unnoticed.

Little Jacob: No worries bredda, Badman has all that checked for you.

Niko Bellic: Thank you!

Niko Bellic: Jacob?

Little Jacob: What Niko?

Niko Bellic: Before all that gets settled I do need to meet with someone else. Can you drop me at the Projects?

Little Jacob: Hell bredda, me gon walk with you.

Jacob and Niko jumped in the car and they went straight to the Projects. When they arrived Niko went straight into the building with Jacob close behind. They got up the stairs, got to the door of the person they came to see, and knocked.

With a gentle knock, they got no answer. Niko tried again and again and again until he almost became too insistent.

Finally, the door cracked just a little and a few seconds later they heard...

Dwayne Forge: Niko? Is that you, you Russian motherfucker?

Niko Bellic: I'm glad to see you too Dwayne! ... and I'm not Russian!

Dwayne Forge: Damn, it's good to see you but you know you a fool? I almost turned your ass into a fuckin sprinkler.

Dwayne Forge: Who this?

Niko Bellic: This is Little Jacob, one of my best friends... in the same league with you of course.

Dwayne Forge: Of course. Friend of Niko, friend of mine. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir.

Little Jacob: Likewise me bredda.

Dwayne invited Niko and Jacob in, they sat down and got right to business. Dwayne and Niko talked for a while with Dwayne mostly asking questions and Niko giving him the answers. Hearing what Niko had to say, it was clear to Dwayne that he won't stop until things are buried. Dwayne owed a lot to Niko so when his brother needed him, Dwayne answered the call.

Dwayne Forge: Well, the things still seem a little fuzzy to me, but if you have the confidence you can pull through, I got yo back brother.

Dwayne Forge: Things went quite well for me since we last saw each other and my small wolfpack is not small anymore. We gonna step up when you need.

Niko Bellic: For the moment, there's nothing that big but I think we will make quite the fuss around the city.

Niko Bellic: Before that, I do have something smaller in size to ask you about.

Dwayne Forge: Shoot!

Niko takes out a picture from his coat pocket and hands it to Dwayne.

Dwayne Forge: You need me to be your pimp?

Niko Bellic: Nah, not that desperate.

Niko Bellic: That lady is quite uptight, but I do need a Rendez-Vous with her. You should know she wears a badge and she's quite cuckoo.

Niko Bellic: She can help me get what I need, but first I have to get to her and that's not easy.

Niko Bellic: What I know is that she has some big deal going down for her and she has some little birds. She feeds them, they feed her, and these little birds have their nest around the Projects.

Niko Bellic: I don't know if it's some of your boys or not, but any info you get it's going to be a big help, and if it is your boys that's even better 'cus we can play around with our little birdwatcher.

Dwayne Forge: Can't promise that it will be quick but consider it done.

Niko Bellic: Thanks Dwayne, glad to see your sorry ass man.

Dwayne Forge: Yeah, likewise.

Niko and Jacob leave Dwayne's apartment. Jacob had something on his mind but he kept quiet until they got into the car.

Little Jacob: Listen Niko... could not notice the chick in the picture. Was that the gyal that played I and I? Michelle?

Niko Bellic: Michelle, Karen... wherever her name is... it was her.

Little Jacob: Miss her that much?

Niko Bellic: Nah! Just trying to get back at the bitch for how she played me and how she played us, and how all those IAA bastards used us like fuckin toys.

Niko Bellic: If I want to get to the bottom of everything I need the IAA radar, and the perfectly named bitch is my way in.

Little Jacob: That's cheeky... real cheeky, man!

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