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I looked around, a little confused. I wasn't in the living room, sprawled across Ricky and Chris anymore. I was outside, and it was night time. Nobody was out right now, it must have been late. Somebody walked out of a record shop across the street, and I looked closer at them.

It was... It was me.

The second me locked up the shop, and started heading down the street. I found myself following her, feeling the need to. I noticed her turn down an alleyway, probably a short cut I'd take from work. I obviously worked at that record shop, why would I have keys otherwise? My second self entered a park, using that as another short cut since she only walked straight across it.

I then noticed somebody in dark clothing creep towards me from behind a tree. Second me was looking down at her phone, paying no mind to the new person. I watched closely, a little edgy on what was going to happen. As my second self reached the exit of the park, the creepy person ran up and started tugging on the purse she had around her shoulder.

"Give me the bag, lady!" they yelled.

"Help!" my second self screamed.

I ran over and tried to help, but my hands went right through the bag. Fuck, what was I going to do?

"Leave her alone!" a round of voices sounded.

I looked over to see five guys clad in all black with makeup on rushing towards my second self and the robber. The robber took one look at them and rushed off, but three of the five of them ran after him. Two of them stayed back, and I looked at them with wide eyes. It was Chris and Ricky.

I woke up with a start, and saw another movie was playing on the television.

"Sara, are you okay?" I heard from above me.

I looked up to see Ricky staring at me with a worried look. Ricky whispered his question, so everybody's gaze was still on the screen. I let out the breath I'd been holding and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I sat up and moved my legs from Chris' lap.

Standing I walked towards the kitchen, but was stopped by Chris questioning my actions.

"Where are you going?" he asked. I noticed he'd drawn on his eyebrows, but didn't wear any other makeup.

"Just a little thirsty. Anybody want anything?"

The guys shook their heads, and I walked into the kitchen grabbing a cup from the upper cabinets. I filled it with ice and water, and jumped as I turned around to see Ghost leaning against the counter. I put a hand on my chest, breathing in and out slowly.

"Goddamn it Ghost, you scared me." I told him.

He chuckled, "Sorry." he apologized. "What happened when you were asleep?" he suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I know you fell asleep, and when you woke up you were startled. What did you dream of that freaked you out so much?" he asked.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and peered out at the living room, nobody paying attention. I sighed and looked back at Ghost, taking a deep breath before answering.

"I think... I think I had a memory return." I informed him.

"Really? What of?" he questioned, a little more giddy.

"When I met all of you, I assume. Some guy tried to rob me, and I don't know why but the entire band was there and saw. You, Ryan, and Balz chased after him, while Ricky and Chris stayed to make sure I was okay." I recalled.

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