Wedding night, June 6th 1974

"I wonder what it's this time. Hopefully the meeting ends before midnight, I really need some sleep.", Severus mumbled more to himself, not noticing that his friend hasn't said anything for quite a while now and most likely didn't even listen to him. His friend, the son of their host, Lucius, was lost in his own thoughts. His father just told him that he had to marry the Black girl, not the good looking one of course, but the youngest. Narcissa. He didn't dare to say anything and just nodded, losing his head like that silly ghost back at school was clearly not on his agenda. Not tonight.

The Dark Lord himself on the other hand had different plans with dear Lucius. He didn't inform his father, Abraxas, yet but who actually cares what Abraxas thinks? He looked at his latest catch and smirked to himself. If he weren't disgusted by the thought of touching a woman he'd definitely do it himself. The woman, well, girl in front of him nervously pulled on her sleeve. "You'll make a great bride. I'm glad you came to your senses, girl.", his icy voice cut the air. The girl nodded, a single tear slipped down her cheek. What else was she supposed to do? Were there any other options? Definitely not! Her parents, of pure blood but dumb enough to make business with muggles, recently lost all their money. A girl's worth nothing in the world she's living in and getting sold to this cruel man in front of her pulled her family out of debts and let them rise in reputation among the society they recently associate with. "Of course, my lord. May I ask... who am I going to marry?", she almost whispered. Her voice was so sweet, so pure, so innocent... 

Severus elbowed Lucius. "Did you hear about Avery? He'll marry that girl in September. Are you invited?" Lucius nodded. Of course he was invited. Even if he wasn't yet, all of the purest families are invited... Severus was befriended with Avery but due to his blood status most likely won't be invited. The whole blood purity theory became a real thing over the last few months. Luckily his own family counted itself to one of twenty-eight of Britain's purest families for the last nine or more centuries. Malfoy after Malfoy married a woman of pure blood and- "He's coming! Sit straight, mate!", Severus hissed and Lucius immediately sat up straight. All the seats around the huge table in the dining room, which was more like a ballroom, were filled. Not a single seat was empty. His mother wouldn't like all those people coming inside the house with their dirty shoes on, Lucius thought to himself and gulped when his eyes met Abraxas'. His father did it again, reading his mind. He definitely had to improve on those occlumency skills.

"Welcome, my friends, welcome. Once again we meet at the noble house of Malfoy, once again we are your guests, Abraxas.", the Dark Lord spoke and everyone's eyes focused on him. His voice filled the huge room even though he wasn't yelling. No, actually he wasn't even speaking very loud - he almost whispered. Abraxas nodded as if he wanted to agree, as if he wanted to say "Everything for you, my lord! I love you! I want to kiss your ass!" - Lucius screwed his eyes shut and gulped. Hopefully he didn't hear that sassy thought! "Tonight, my friends, I want to introduce someone new to you. You'll be surprised who it is and what her task will be. Lucius!", the Dark Lord pointed at Abraxas' son who first opened and then widened his eyes. "Yes, my lord?", his voice cracked and he only whispered. Great, really great... "Lucius... stand up, come here." 

Even Abraxas wondered about what was going on now. Nobody informed him about a special task for his useless son. If the Dark Lord only asked him for his opinion, he could've named him at least twenty better men for the job! "Our dear friend Lucius will be married soon." Great, he just broke the news to everyone! Why did his father told him? Why couldn't he let him a single day to process this new information? Lucius got up from his seat and moved towards the intimidating man at the head of the table. The people sitting around looked at each other, some of them already grinned as they of course already knew. Orion couldn't keep his mouth shut either, the Malfoy-Black-wedding will definitely be the event of the year. 

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