House Velayron

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Corlys Velayron

As the vast expanse of the sea stretched out before him, Corlys Velayron, the renowned Sea Snake, stood tall and proud on the bow of his magnificent ship, the Sea Dragon. This majestic vessel had been his trusted companion throughout countless adventures and had weathered many storms. As he gazed out at the horizon, Corlys felt a sense of awe and wonder at the sheer power and beauty of the ocean that surrounded him. He knew that the Sea Dragon was the largest ship of House Velayron.

Despite the fact that he was the Lord of the Tides and had commanded some of the most impressive vessels ever to sail the seas, he knew that his strongest ship was still naught but a drop in the ocean compared to the might of the Dragons. It was a fact that he had come to accept, but one that still gave him pause. As if on cue, Corlys heard a distant roar, and he looked up to see Meleys, The Red Queen, flying over his ship. The sailors around him watched in awe as the massive creature soared through the sky, her fiery wings glowing warmly over the deck.

She was a marvel to behold, and she flew from his ship, but not too far away.

Meleys was one of the largest dragons in Westeros, bigger than the ship Corlys and his family were using to sail.

Looking at the ship from afar, one would think Corlys was going to White Harbor with the intention of conquering the place, but he wanted to show something else. To Show Power. He knew the importance of this 'Wedding' in Winterfell; the people with the most amount of power in Westeros would be in this wedding.

King Jaehaerys Targaryen would be there, and Corlys wanted to show the full might of House Velayron, and what better way than to sail with the strongest ship of his fleet.

Its hull was crafted entirely from Ironwood, a rare and sturdy material found mostly in the North, while certain parts of the ship were adorned with pure gold, adding a touch of luxury and opulence to its design. Manning the Sea Snake were fifty of the strongest and most skilled sailors in all of the Seven Kingdoms. They worked tirelessly to keep the ship in top condition, ensuring it remained the fastest vessel on the high seas. But what truly set the Sea Snake apart from all other ships was its towering main mast, which rose to a dizzying height of 25 meters. From this lofty perch, the crew could see for miles in every direction, scanning the horizon for signs of danger. As the Sea Dragon cut through the waves, it left a trail of foam in its wake, a testament to the power and speed of this remarkable vessel.

Corlys wanted to leave the strongest impression he could give, as he knew that despite having the Dragons, House Targaryen still needed political support, trade, manpower, and, most importantly, Gold.

As the waves crashed against the hull, House Velayron's ship glided gracefully towards the bustling port of White Harbor, with the wind carrying them closer to their destination. The journey was not just a mere diplomatic mission, as Corlys, the astute leader of the House, had meticulously planned and selected two thoughtful gifts to present to the future King of Westeros and Princess Gael. Despite the fact that he did not share the warmest of relationships with the Targaryen family, Corlys knew better than to openly display his hostility towards them, for he understood that maintaining diplomacy and cordiality was essential for his House's survival and prosperity.

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