Chapter 7

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Dragoth looked up as he heard the sound of keys rattling outside of his cell door. He stood and turned to face the door, trying to wear a brave face. This was the moment he'd been dreading. His death would soon come. He only wished that he could spend a moment with his parents before he died. And by some magic be able to bid his brothers a final farewell.

The cell door swung open and the jailer stood before him, the ring of keys in hand. "You have been summoned to stand before the king and queen."

Dragoth nodded. "Is there anything you can do so that I might spend a moment alone with my parents before I die?"

"It isn't my place to ask such a request. Beg this of the king and queen," he replied.

Two guards grabbed his arms and led him to the throne room. They brought him before the king and queen.

He knelt in their presence. "I have but two requests your majesties. Might I spend a few moments alone with my parents before I die? And if you would allow me I wish to write a letter of farewell to my knights, whom I have raised from children and grown to love as my brothers."

"My son you will not die. The council has decided to pardon you," Mea told him.

"I am?... but what have I done to merit such mercy?" he asked.

"We sent you to Drake to protect you, not knowing that we had sent you to a traitor who would only use you," Mea replied.

"Speak the truth my son, why did you betray Anoria?" Henry asked. "You will be pardoned no matter your answer, so give us the truth."

"I have not the words to explain, for it is too painful and I fear I would only break my dear mother's heart," he replied.

"There is no paint in keeping it hidden, Benjamin for I already believe I know the reason. You did this to protect us didn't you? He told you that we would be spared if you served him, did he not?" Mea asked.

Benjamin stared at the soft dark blue carpet that covered the cobblestones where he knelt. He supposed there was no point in keeping it hidden when she already knew the truth. "Yes," he whispered. "And my brother, Christopher. Drake would threaten to harm the boy whenever I tried to disobey. That is how he built his army. He goes around taking boys and young men and threatens to harm them and their families if they don't do his bidding."

"You are free from him now. We are out of his reach for now so you have no need to serve him for our sake," Henry said.

"But my brothers may not be safe. I can't just stand back and let Drake kill them. The captain lied, he did not capture me as he claimed. He threatened to kill the boy whom I love most... my brother, my best friend... he is almost a son to me, so I traded my life for his and I would gladly do it again," Benjamin said.

"I understand. If the council had asked for your death I would have taken your place," Mea said.

"You know I wouldn't want you to die for me, mother," he whispered.

"But that is how much I love you. I would have gladly taken your place," she replied.

"I love you too, mother. I could not bear it if you died because of me. It was that thought that haunted me, I knew that if I died you would grieve yourself to death," he replied.

She nodded, falling quiet for a moment before she looked up at him. She stood and walked over to him. She gently touched his the burn that was slashed across his face. The wound had left a deep wide gash on his skin and had permanently disfigured him. "Did he do this to you?"

"It's nothing..." he answered, taking a shuttering breath.

"Please tell your mother," she insisted.

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