I ran I ran and I ran till no one could see me.

"Good...I lost them" I say panting my way down the street. I have nothing no money, clothes, food, or shelter but I'm happier than ever to leave that place. It's horrid and not a place I wanna be at all.

I kept on walking not knowing where I'm going but I kept on walking. It started getting dark and more and more men started roaming the streets as the night got older.

I haven't ate in over 7 hours and that's a lot for me because I usually have a appetite. Funny for a runaway girl.

The men walking by would look at me and eventually whistle or check me out but I power walked away from them. More and more of them would call out to the point I couldn't get 1 second of peace.

I felt like I was the only girl on earth right now surrounded by all these men. I got so aggravated that I vowed the next person that calls me I will scream.

"HEY" one of them screamed walking to me.

"WHAT" I screamed back. He came closer and closer as my fear began to rise. I moved back slowly as he came to approach me.

"You shouldn't be out here at this time in this area" he said in a concerned voice. I didn't answer him I just kept on walking. He grabbed my hand and I quickly snatched it away.

"I'm trying to help you" he whispers

"These men out here will hurt you I swear" he said in a low tone touching my back.

Why should he help me? No one has ever done that for me. I don't need this help, I didn't need it before I don't need it now. I looked back at him but since it was dark I couldn't see much but I could tell he was handsome. I could tell he smirked when I was looking at him. I frowned and turned back around from him I'm fine by myself.

He kept on following me and it started to scare me. I needed a way to get away from him and fast. My only option was to cross the street on to the other side. I looked back at him and he was staring at me.

I took one step of the sidewalk and he immediately grabbed my hand.

"Don't go" he said sternly but I didn't listen. I made a run for it. It seemed like I was running forever then...


All I heard was "Oh my God!"


I woke up to a white room and a bright light flashing in my face. I looked around trying to gain my surroundings but I don't know where I am. The last thing I remembered is blowing out my candles for my birthday cake. How did I end up here? I looked to my side and saw a man in a chair sleeping. I didn't want to bother him so I laid there confused and in pain. My back and legs were hurting really bad.

Soon he woke up while I was just humming. He looked at me and dang can I say he is sexy. His eyes went big....do I look bad?

"Doctor" he shouted

Soon a doctor came in and gave me a weak smile. That's when I realized I was in a hospital and I don't know how I got here.

"Hey sweetie...how are you feeling" she asked with a warm smile.

"Not so good my back hurts and so do my legs" I said wincing

"Alright we'll get you medicine for that...do you remember what happened" she asked

"No I'm supposed to be at my 2oth birthday party what the hell am I doing here?" I said with a slight attitude. She sighed and looked over at he guy sitting there.

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