ronnie radke (1)

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i stood at the bathroom sink finishing up my regular makeup. i sighed as i looked at the bags under my eyes. i'd been super tired lately and i've been overall feeling kinda depressed.

ronnie walked in the bathroom and put his hand on my waist to squeeze past me to get his toothbrush and set it on the counter. his tall frame came up behind me and rested his head on my shoulder while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"how long does it take you to do all your makeup?" he asked as he watched me intensely through the mirror. i shrugged a little. "kinda depends on how much i'm putting on but for my regular makeup i'd say about 30-45 minutes?" i said. he nodded an continued to watch me.

i finished my makeup and cleaned up the counter a bit. i walked out of the bathroom and ronnie followed.

"do you have plans today?" i asked him as i walked into our shared room. he flopped on the bed and huffed. "nah, do you?" he responded. i shook my head. "nope. do you want to go to breakfast or something? then we can come back and chill?" i said. i needed to get out of the house for a bit. "it's basically lunch now because you took forever, but yeah that sounds nice" he said with a smile. i laughed a bit and put on my shoes.

after we ate we walked around town and looked around little shops. we bought some dumb knick knacks that we definitely don't need and went home.

when we got home, ronnie made us dinner then we called it a night.


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