tony perry (1)

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my brother jaime is in a band called pierce the veil, they're pretty well known. it's cool that he's in a band but it's annoying sometimes because whenever there's something going on with the band i get dragged along, like today. i have to go to vic's house with jaime to meet with the band about new songs or something.

jaime was rushing me to finish my makeup so we could leave. "i'm going as fast as i can asshole" i yelled at him through the door. "you need to be faster! people are waiting on us" he yelled back. "jesus christ he acts like it's the fucking red carpet or something" i said to myself as i threw my makeup in its bag and put the bag in my purse. i put on my shoes and rushed out my room.

"happy now?" i said as i walked past jaime. "yes now hurry your ass in the car" he replied grabbing his keys from the table.

-time skip to victors house 👹

i opened the door and the sound of literal grown men yelling like children rung through my ears. "oh wow" i said under my breath as i walked through the house to the living room. "what the hell are you guys yelling about" i yelled over them. they stopped and stared at me. "look who finally decided to show up" vic said ignoring my question. i rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen. "we would've gotten here sooner if y/n wouldn't have taken forever with her makeup and her hair and her clothes" jaime said in a mocking tone.

i rolled my eyes and went to the fridge and got a water and a lunchable. i sat at the table and began to eat while i scrolled on tumblr. i could see tony walking up to me and sitting down next to me.

"i feel like jaime was probably a little harsh today so if it means anything, i don't care u showed up late, just glad u showed up at all" he said shyly. i smiled softly and nodded. "i very much appreciate it" i laughed slightly. tony was about to say something but vic and jaime walked in being obnoxious.

"i could win you in a wrestling match, your literally a midget" jaime told vic. "don't bring height into this man, i believe i could take you down. plus your not much taller than me" vic replied in a sassy tone. jaime was about to reply but tony cleared his throat loudly which caused all of us to snap our heads in his direction. tony gave the boys a death glare and they started walking out of the kitchen back to the living room.

"listen y/n, i have to tell you something kinda important," he said and stood up. "follow me." he finished. i nodded and followed close behind the tall boy. he led into vic's guest room and softly pulled me into the room while shutting the door. he sat me on the bed and stood in front of me. he took a deep breath and started talking.

"i don't really know how to say this but i've been needing to tell you this for a long time. before i start, i don't want to make things weird and i completely understand if you don't feel the same but i need to get this off my chest. i've liked you for a long time, you're so beautiful and so funny and you can easily cheer someone up if theyre having a bad day, you've done it for me multiple times. if it's not to much to ask, will you be my girlfriend?" he said extremely shyly with a deep pink tint to his cheeks. i let everything soak in for a minute before responding.

he wants to ME to be his girlfriend??!! the TONY PERRY wants to date me??
ain't no way boi 😮

i blushed and smiled at him. "i feel the same way tony. i'd love more than anything to be your girlfriend" any worry that was on his face was wiped away and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. "thank god you said yes cause that would've been really embarrassing" he said with a giggle. i laughed and was about to reply but got interrupted by our names being screamed down the hall by jaime and vic. i rolled my eyes and soon enough my brother and his short friend came barging into the room. once they opened the door their faced filled with regret.

"um, are we interrupting something?" vic asked, guilt laced in his voice. tony just shook his head. "i told her" he said bluntly. the boys eyes went wide. "finally!" jaime cheered. my eyebrows knitted together. "you guys knew about this?" i questioned. they exchanged looks and nodded. "did you tell him, vic?" i said considering i had told vic about the crush i had on tony. he shook his head. "i did not, but i did egg this on" he said referring to us being here. "this was planned? i need the details people" i exclaimed. "it was planned. the 'band practice' wasn't real. it was really just a reason to get you here" jaime explained. "sneaky bastards!" i yelled playfully causing them to laugh. "feels great to have it off my chest though" tony interjected. i nodded in agreement. "i second that" i said and he pulled me close to kiss my cheek. jaime made a disgusted face and i just waved him off, glad that im finally with my ultimate crush.

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