Chapter Four

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<h3>Marnie's POV</h3>

<h3>We left the auditorium and walked into the front hall. Everyone was exiting the building. Silvie said to me, "That was SO much fun! I can't believe Liam touched my hand. It was incredible! Did you think it was fun Mar?" "Yeah, it actually was a lot of fun!" I answered. Silvie grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the main doors. "Uh, where are we going?" I asked nervously. "Oh, there's probably a short cut to get outside around here somewhere. There's no way that we are going through that crowd to just go outside." She stated matter-of-factly. Just then a man bolted around the corner and rammed into me. My brown purse went flying in the air and landed on the ground, all of the contents strewn across the floor.

Silvie bent down to help me. "Why do you have pepper spray in there?" She asked as she held up the can. I grabbed it from her and put it in my bag. "It's just for self defense," I answered. "Okay, hurry up, if we're not out there by 1:45 my driver is leaving," She complained. I quickly threw a few more things into my purse and ran after her. I felt like I had forgotten something in my hasty exit, though.

Harry's POV

We walked out of our dressing rooms and entered the large hall after everyone had left. Our bodyguards surrounded us as we traveled towards the secret exit. Something on the ground caught my eye and I stopped. I quickly bent down to pick up the small object and turned it over. It was a drivers liscense. It had the picture of a pretty girl and it had her phone number, adress, and birth date on it. I looked more closely at the picture. "Shit," I whispered in disbelief.

Marnie's POV

"Thank you so much, Silv! It was so fun! I'll see you soon!" I spoke as I closed the door to the limousine. I scampered up to my front door and unlocked it. My mom wasn't home. I could tell just by the quietness of the place. I jogged up the stairs and walked into my bedroom. I immedately collasped onto the bed. I pulled out my phone. "Oh my god," I moaned as I saw the time: 4:13 am. I swiftly stood up and walked over to my wardrobe. I stripped down and grabbed some undies, a pair of fuzzy shorts and a tank top and walked over to my bed. I pulled on my black lace underwear and slowly pulled on my grey tank top. My fuzzy shorts soon covered my undies and I lazily traveled over to my bathroom and turned on the light.

I grabbed my brush and brought it through my blonde waves a few times before I set it down. My toothbrush was now out and was being covered in green tooth paste. I brought it to my lips and scrubbed for 2 minutes and I spit it out. I pulled my head up and looked in the mirror. "This tank top is a little tight," I muttered to myself, making myself a mental note that I needed another grey camisole.

I ran over to my bed and crawled in. I picked up my phone from the bedside table where I had previously set it down. I had a new message. It was an unknown number. I hesitantly swiped the arrow across the screen, wondering who this person could be. "I knew I left something at the concert place," I whispered as I read the text: "Hey, I found your liscense at the concert hall. When would you like to meet so you can get it back?". It was sent a while ago. I thought for a second, then started to type.

Harry's POV

I texted her as soon as I found the card. I didn't recieve a reply. I thought that I should maybe drive by her house to give it to her. It would be a good excuse to finally talk to this girl. I slowly pulled up to the adress that was given on the small object. I hesitated for a second. "Would it be creepy if I just walked up there? Should I just wait until she texts back?" These thoughts were running through my head as I turned off my car. I noticed that there was a light on in her house; the curtains were open. It must've been her room. I saw her walk over to the window.

She slowly began to undress. Why was she going so slow? She just had to tease me, didn't she. Her shirt was soon off and then came her jeans. She started to unclip her bra but before it came off she turned around. "Damn it," I muttered under my breath. Her panties came off and she was butt-naked, right in my vision. I knew that I shouldn't be watching this, but it was too hard to resist. She soon walked away from the window. Where is she? A few minutes later she walked back over in pink short-shorts and a very, very tight tank top. My mouth started to water. "Harry, snap out of it," I thought as I desperately tried to pry my eyes from the window.

At that moment the light shut off. "I'll have to get her the card another time," I muttered in defeat as I started up the car again.


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