Chapter Eight

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<h3>Marnie's POV</h3>

<h3>He caught me dumbly smiling at him when he looked back from the waiter. I mean, I just couldn't resist; he was so hot. He had such full, juicy lips and cute little dimples, and his cheeks were just perfect, and his nose was cute, too, and his hair. Oh, his hair. It was just, like, so amazingly styled and his curls just looked almost too perfect.</h3>

<h3>I was scared and very embarrassed for a second and I didn't know how he would react, probably with some cocky remark. But, he just started smiling back. "You're absolutely beautiful, you know that?" He said after about 2 minutes of us just looking up and down eachothers bodies, well, the parts that weren't hidden under the table. My cheeks automatically flushed after his comment. "Does he really think so?" I asked in my mind. How could I say thanks and give him a compliment at the same time? "Oh, uh, haha, thanks, you're, uh, not too bad yourself..." I said nervously. He laughed at this, which relieved me. "Well, thank you." He said sweetly.

He then scooched his chair over around the small circular table so that we were practically next to eachother. After a moment or two, I felt a large, warm hand resting on my upper thigh, which was a little closer than I would've liked to my opening. I swiftly batted his hand away in disgust; thank the fucking lord I was wearing jeans and not a skirt or a dress. He just laughed and then took a drink of water with the hand that had just been dangerously close to feeling me up in a fancy restaurant. I mean, please; was he really expecting something on the first date, let alone in a fancy restaurant?

I kind of felt bad, for so harshly swattiing his hand off of me. So, the next time a large hand was placed on my thigh, I let it go without immediately removing it. He started lower on my leg this time, and he was making gentle squeezes and travelling farther and farther up my leg with these until his hand was basically at my crotch. I was breathing quickly and jaggedly as skimmed his fingers over my vagina. At this point, that was when I swatted his hand away. He just simply laughed again as he scooched his chair back to its original position.

Just then, our food came. He placed our dishes and drinks in front of us before asking, "Do you need anything else?" "Oh, uh, yes, we are out of salt," I said, shaking the salt shaker for effect. "Oh, okay, I'll be right back with that. Now, you too love birds enjoy!" He said happily. I looked awkwardly into my lap, all the while smiling. When I looked up, this god-like boy who calls himself Harry was grinning uncontrollably at me.

Harry's POV

I escorted Mar back to my white Escalade and I let her in. The car ride was pretty much silent, with us two stealing secret glances at eachother. This girl was seriously so gorgeous, and I meant what I said to her in the restaurant. If I were to start naming all the good things about her, I wouldn't be able to find an end to the list; it would pretty much go on forever.

We pulled up in front of her house and I parked the car. I ran out and opened her door and she hopped down. I grabbed her hand. Luckily, she didn't pull it away from me. We walked up to her front door. As soon as we got there, I turned her around and put her against the door. She was caught a little off guard as a very surprised look crossed her face. I leaned down and placed a very tender kiss on her rosy lips. After I pulled away, I looked down at her grinning and biting her lip. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me back down. Our lips met rather forcefully as her tug rammed my face into hers. After a while of kissing, my tongue glided across her bottom lip, begging for access. She almost immediately complied and our tongues ferociously danced. My lips left hers. They soon found her neck and I started to nibble and kiss a tender spot that I happened to locate. I heard her moaning and pleading my name. I started going harder and more viciously at her soft, tender neck. She put her hands into my curls and tugged upwards. I placed a few very tender and wet kisses up her neck and onto her jawbone until I met her lips again. We had one more heated kiss before she pulled away. She bit her bottom lip with a very sexy expression on her face before saying, in a very light voice,"Thanks, that was really fun." "I thought so, too," I answered. "Oh, I almost forgot," I said as I reached into my pocket. I pulled out her small drivers license and handed it to her. "Oh, thank you," She said with a smile as she opened her door and stepped inside, not closing the door. "I'll pick you up at 7:00pm tomorrow then?" I said boldly to her. She just simply smiled before closing the door in my face.

I stood on her stoop for quite some time before shaking my head and jogging back to my awaiting car.</h3>

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