Chapter Nine

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<h3>Marnie's POV</h3>

<h3>"You WHAT?!" Ayanna yelled loudly into the phone. I had just told what had happened the night before. "I can't believe you! You, like, just met him! And you already went on a date?" She said in disbelief. I decided not to tell her about the snogging session that had happened on my front porch. "Yes, I know, but you saw what he looked like! I mean, he's just so gorgeous," I said in a desperate tone. "Yes, I know, he looks like a fucking god, but still," She said in a sassy voice. "Well, how was it?" She asked.

I didn't know how to answer that question. I've never really been that popular with boys so I can't really compare it to anything. "It was really nice," I finally said with a shy smile on my face. "Well, I'm glad you had a good time. Wait, so you're telling me that you went on a date with one of the most desired men on the planet?" She asked. I had never really thought about that before. "Well, then he must really like you, because there are many choices for him out there, honey," She said, and I could tell that she had one of her sassy smiles on her face. I smiled at this; he really does like me that much, then. "Oh, fuck," I whispered loudly. "What?" Ayanna asked confusedly. "Doesn't Silvie, like, love these guys?" "Yeah....?" "And I just went on a date with one....." I said slowly. "Oh, out come the claws then. Look, I gotta go. Are you gonna tell Silvie?" She said in a tired voice. "I don't know, should I? I mean, she'll probably hate me forever, but it'll be better if I tell her now than her figuring out later," I said quickly. "Eh, whatever. Do whatever you wanna do. Gotta go, bye!!" She said loudly before she hung up. I sighed heavily, and dialed in another number.

Silvie's POV

I sat on the kitchen counter eating some vanilla yogurt when my mom walked through the room. "Hey, honey. How was the concert the other night? Sorry, I've been kinda busy so I haven't been able to ask you." My mom said in a concerned voice. "It was so fun! Mar and I had a blast!" I decided not to tell her about the license; she would've freaked out. I heard my faint phone ring from my bedroom as I bounded up the stairs to answer it. I picked it up; it was Marnie.

"Hello?" I said in a high voice. "Hey, uh, it's Mar," She said in a choppy voice. "Yeah, I kinda already knew that; caller ID. What's up?" I asked as I plopped down onto my bed. "Oh, uh, nothin', just wanted to, uh, t-tell you something.." She stuttered. "Ohhhkayyyy, out with it." I said slowly. "Well, uh, you know how I left my license at the concert hall?" "Yeah....?" "Well someone picked it up and then they texted me saying that they would give it to me...." "Yeah...? Okay, you're going to have to go a little faster," I said before I scooped a big spoonful of yogurt and put the cool, white substance on my tongue. "Okay, well they came to my house to give it to me, and yeah." "Okay, what's the big deal then?" "Well, it's more who's the big deal...." She said slowly. I still wasn't understanding what she was trying to say. "Okay, seriously, enough with the riddles. Tell me what you wanna say!" I blurted out. She took a deep breath, then said, "HARRY STYLES CAME TO MY FRONT DOOR AND WE TALKED FOR HOURS AND HOURS AND THEN HE TOOK ME ON A DATE AND TRIED TO FEEL ME UP AND THEN WE WENT BACK TO MY HOUSE AND WE MADE OUT." She said it in all one breath. "What?!" I thought. "My so called best friend is dating my dream guy?!" I started hyperventilating. "Okay, Silvie, just chill, it's all right, it's all right..." "HOW COULD YOU?!" I yelled loudly. I didn't mean to actually say it; it just kinda came out. "I-I didn't m-mean-" "You KNEW I was like in love with him!" I kept pressing on. "Silvie, i-if you would j-just let me explain-" "No, I know what you're gonna say, and it's not gonna do anything." I said very loud. There was silence on the other side of the line. "You know what, fine. Be mad at me, see if I care," She spat and then hung up the phone.

The weird thing was, I didn't feel bad for yelling at her. I was just getting more and more angry every minute. She was going to pay for this, some how, some way. She was.

Harry's POV

Me: Hey, you ready for tonight?

I texted her the next morning. I was going on another date with Marnie. I couldn't wait. I had it all planned out, I knew exactly where we were going. She didn't text back. I kept checking my phone, but I never got a text from her. Whatever. I just couldn't wait for that night.

Marnie's POV

What was I going to wear for the date? I pondered this thought as I dug through my large closet. How could I have so many clothes, but not one single thing that I could wear to the date? Should I wear a dress? I found a super cute black dress that was short, but then I threw it back down. No way I was wearing that around Harry and his travelling hands. I finally found some shorts with a flower on it, and a spagetti strap top with lots of colors; it was super cute. Then, I threw on my cream-colored converse and headed for the bathroom. I applied my favourite mascara and eye liner and then put some perfume on. I fish-tailed my hair down my back. I left the bathroom, still searching for that extra touch to complete my outfit. I found my beautiful beige/pink shoulder bag that I recieved from my mother for my birthday. Perfect. <a href=""></a>

I ran downstairs and leaned on the kitchen table. I looked at the clock; 6:56pm. I hopped into the powder room and did some last minute touch ups to my makeup, adding some pink/orange lip gloss. Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I threw all my stuff in my bag, including my phone and walked over to the door. I hesitated for a moment, then swung it open.

Harry's POV

I knocked three times on her front door, then stepped back a little. I hoped that she hadn't forgotten about my request at a date. I started to think about what she could be wearing, and that everything would look good on her so I shouldn't be worrying about it. Just then the door opened wide, revealing this short blonde beauty that kept me up at night.

Her shirt was showing a little bit of cleavage, which made my mouth start to water, and her shorts were very short, revealing beautifully tanned legs. Her makeup was perfect, too. My eyes were just grazing up and down her body when her soft, melodic voice interupted my staring. "So, where are we going tonight?" "It's another surprise," I whispered as I gazed down into her icy blue eyes. She simply grinned and then walked past me and towards my car. I think she could feel my eyes on her ass when she said, "Okay, enough of that, let's go." She laughed dismissively as I shook my head and jogged after her.</h3>

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