This is what falling in love feels like

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Chapter 1

(Ryan's POV)
I woke up and I was so dizzy. Someone knocks on my door "go away." I lay back down and the person comes into my room. "Wake up Ryan" it's a similar voice but I can't find out who. I turn i around "leave me-" I see Seb right in front of my face he's very close I could feel his breath on me.  I blush slightly and push him away "come on we are going out." I look at the time. "Boy it's 7-" he puts his hand over my mouth. "Hush your mouth and hurry." He says as he gets up leaving my room. I sigh blushing and getting up to change. I change into a decent outfit.

(What Ryan was wearing)

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(What Ryan was wearing)

(Sebs POV)
Me and the boys wait for Ryan. We finally see him come downstairs and I look at him up and down. "I'm ready boys." He says with a straight face. "Okay let's go now!" Ty says opening the door for everyone. Ryan was behind me and tripped over something. I catch him and grab his hand so he won't trip again. I see he has a pink dust spread across is face. I smile and he's still holding on to my hand but he pushes my hand away. "Oh come on your hands are so cold let's me warm them up." He looks at me "shut up." He says under his breath. "What did you say~" Darren looks at us "stop flirting love birds" Ryan's jaw drops. "WE ARENT LOVE-" I put my hand over his mouth. "Okay Darren" Ryan looks so mad it's so cute.

(Oliver's POV)
They get the mall for stuff and Oliver goes to a store with Ty, Justin, and Kane. "Hey guys I have a question" They all look at him waiting for him to say what he has to say. "Do y'all think Sebastian and Ryan have a crush on each other?" I say. "I think Sebastian does but idk about Ryan." Justin says grabbing a jacket from the rack looking at it. "Yeah Ryan is very quiet and Sebastian is all over him so yeah I don't really." Kane says while Ty nods. "Okay but have y'all seen how soft Ryan is to Sebastian when they are alone?" I ask. "I don't know but how do you know that?" Ty asks looking at me confused. "Don't..ask.." They all ignore it and go back to looking at clothes.

(Ryan's POV)
"We're do we go next?" I ask smiling a bit. "Aw your smile is so cute." I stop smiling out of embarrassment and I push Sebastian away. "I'm sorry Ryannnnn" he says grabbing my arm. I smile and look at him. "Your cute." I shake my head blushing a bit." I'm a bit cold to be honest." I see Sebastian take off his jacket and hand it to me. "Are you sure you don't need it?" I ask holding it and he just nods. "Well thank you Seb." I smile and put it on. "Your welcome love." He says under his breath. "What did you say?" I ask not hearing him. "Nothing just your welcome!"

( little bit later it's now 8:30 and the boys are gonna go eat. )

(Oliver's POV)
"Where is Seb and Ryan?" I ask confused. "We don't know" Regie says "wait it's them look!" I look over to see Seb giving Ryan a piggy back ride. I notice Ryan is asleep. "Hey Seb and Ryan" Justin says "hey guys" I look at Seb kind of mad. "Y'all r late" Seb smiles and Ryan wakes up. "hey sleepyhead." Ryan hits Seb in the head and Seb puts him down smiling. "Where are we even gonna eat?" Darren asks "Korean bbq?" Regie suggests. They all agree and we go to a Korean bbq.

(Sebs POV)
We all get our tables and Ryan is sitting next to me. We are all ordering something to eat but Ryan didn't want anything. "Hey r u okay?" Ryan nods. They all get their food and I look over at Ryan and he's just on his phone. "Hey Ryan open up." I say with food on a spoon. "No I'm fine-" he gets cut off by me "open. now." He opens his mouth and I put the spoon in his mouth. "Good boy like it?" his eyes widen as soon as I call him that and he chocks on his food a bit. He's blushing a lot and I smile all the boys are looking at us and Ryan puts his head down.

(Oliver's POV)
I'm still mad at Ryan and Sebastian for being late but I know it's not a big deal it's just that I'm annoyed. "Well after we are done eating we are gonna make a video" They all agree. They finish eating and they all head home. But when they got into the car Ryan was sitting next to Sebastian and Ryan fell asleep. With his head on his shoulder. And yes I'm driving the car and it's annoying. We get home and we start to set up everything I see Sebastian come inside carrying Ryan. "Guys I'll be down in a second maybe." He says taking Ryan upstairs. "Okay Sebastian just message me if you won't be doing the video!" Ty says putting up the camera.

(Sebs POV)
I go upstairs and go to my room to put Ryan down. I put him down and I was about to leave when I feel him grab my arm. "Don't leave.." I hear him mumble quietly. "Hey don't cry." He starts to tear up and I get in bed with him. He puts his arm and leg on top of me. He stops crying and I just smile looking at him. I grab my phone to text Ty that I won't be filming the new video today.

Beginning of Text

Seb- I can't film Ryan is asleep and holding on to me very tight and I can barely move. Lol

Ty- Oh okay well if Ryan wakes up soon y'all can jump into the video if y'all want!

Seb- Okay well have fun filming!

Ty- Okay See you later maybe

End of text

(Oliver's POV)
Seb and Ryan have been weirdly close I know they are just friends but it's weird seeing them both like this. "Hey Oliver you okay?" I nod and we get recording.

(End of POV)


Kane- Today we are going to be playing hide and seek! But with a twist.

Ty- Now it's just hide and seek like hiding and all that stuff but if you get last caught you have to go bother Seb and Ryan.

Oliver's eyes widen and he looks at Kane, Kane just shrugs.

Regie- Okay then let's get started I'm gonna count y'all better hide or I'm gonna beat your ass

They all go hide. Kane is inside Ty's car, Justin is inside regies room under his bed, Oliver is outside in the trees in the backyard, Darren is hiding in a bathroom.

Regie- I'm coming for your asses!

(Regies POV)
"We're would those rats be? Do you think you know a spot Bae?" (Bae is one of their camera man's) "Nope not any idea you gotta do it yourself Regie Macalino" I sigh and goes looking around the house. "Let's go to the backyard" They both head to the backyard. "Come out come out we're ever you are!!!" I hear some thing rustling. I go over to the trees and look around until I see a silhouette of someone. I rush over to them "I'm coming!!!" And I get closer and it's Darren. "AHHHH IM A BIRD" Darren runs away and Regie grabs him. "Not so fast you idiot!" They both laugh and Regie takes Darren to the middle of the house. "Stay here" let's go find the others.

(End of POV and a hour later.)

Ty- the last person found wasss Oliver!

Oliver stands there worried.

Darren- now you have to interrupt Sebastian and Ryan!! Get ready to be killed by Sebastian.!!

Oliver sighs and takes the camera going upstairs. He gets to the door and tries to turn the knob but it's locked. He found something to open the door and successfully opens it. He sees both of them asleep Ryan has his face hurried into Sebastians chest and Sebastian has one of his arms under Ryan's head and the othe arm over Ryan. He makes sure they are both asleep. Then...

This is the first chapter I hope you enjoyed sorry for the cliffhanger 😭 But yk I had to do it to make y'all mad haha!! But yes I am terrible at writing I tried I TRIED but yesi hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter. So see ya next time!!! Love y'all so much. (This paragraph so long for what ik y'all might not read it but it's fineee)

1504 words

This is what falling in love feels like(Seb X Ryan ) NSBWhere stories live. Discover now