This is what falling in love feels like

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Chapter 2

Until Oliver realized that Sebastian doesn't have a shirt on. "Why" Oliver says quietly as Sebastian wakes up and looks behind him with Ryan still in his arms. "Oliver what are you doing in here.." Sebastian says with his sleepy voice. "Uhhh I forgot something in here..." Ryan opens his eyes and looks up seeing both Oliver and Sebastian. "Love why is Oliver in here..." Sebastians eyes widen and he blushes. "Don't worry he forgot something in here." Oliver grabs something random. He leaves the room and goes back to the boys.

(Ryan's POV)
Im still clinging on to Sebastian he's so warm. "Hey why don't you got take a shower Ryan." I nod and go take a shower. I finished after a while and realized I didn't have clothes. "Seb!" I yell "yes!?" he says back "I don't have clothes can I borrow yours!" he knocks on the door and he hands me a hoodie and sweats. I put them on and they are pretty big on me.i come out dressed in them and seb smiles at me. I blush a bit and go up to him hugging him. Sebastian smiles and hugs me back.

(Sebastian's POV)
"Let's go downstairs!" Ryan says smiling. We make our way downstairs and we see everyone "hey guys!" I say smiling. They all look at Ryan who is on his phone scrolling on instagram. "Hey buddy say hi to them." Ryan looks up and waves.

(It's now 5:00 PM)

(Ryan's POV)
I'm just chilling until someone knocks on the door. I get up to go answer it and it's some girl. "Hello who are you?" I try to ask nicely. "I'm Matilda I'm Sebastian's friend!" I text Seb his friends here. I hear him come rushing downstairs and rush to the girl pushing me softly away. I look at Seb hugging her and she looks at with a evil smile. I start to get jealous and leave to my room. "Hey Ry-" I hear Seb say until he realizes I'm not there anymore.

(Sebastian's POV)
"Come in please!" I say opening the door for Matilda. She comes in and says hi to everyone I realize Ryan is there. "Be right back." She nods and I rush upstairs going into Ryan's room but he isn't in there so I go to my room and he also isn't in there. I go to Justin's room and he's In there talking to Justin. "Hey Ryan!" I say smiling "go away Seb Ryan's talking to me about something." My smile fades and I just leave. I go back downstairs and see Matilda getting to know everyone.

"We're Ryan and Justin?" I shrugs pretending not to know. Finally after a few minutes of talking Ryan and Justin come downstairs. I look at Ryan and he comes running up to me and hugging me tightly. "Sorry I left I got a bit jealous.." Seb smiles a laughs a bit. "It's okay." I see Matilda looking at us in the corner of my eye and she looks ferrous. "Well this is Matilda!" I say smiling and I see Ryan wrapped around my arm. "Hello Matilda." I see She fakes a smile "Sebby!! I'm bored can we go to your room." She says in a weird voice. It sounds like a pick me voice.

"Why may I ask?" I didn't want to sound mean so I had to make it sound nice. Metidla smiles "because I just want to be with you silly!" she says laughing a bit. "Okay but Ryan has to come." I say making a sarcastic smile. She rolls her eyes "fine." she says while he smile fades off. "Guys let's go out to dinner later okay?" they all say okay and Ryan, me, and Matilda go upstairs to my room.

(Ryan's POV)
We make it to Sebastians room and I'm still clinging on to him I can see Matilda giving me a mean look. I'm starting to have feelings for Sebastian and I know the boys can see it. It's so obvious at this point I just don't know how to tell Sebastian. "Hey Ryan? RYAN!" I get startled from him yelling my name. "You okay?" I nod we are all sitting on Sebastians bed.

This time Matilda is closer to seb and I get a bit jealous so I grab his arm and wraps myself around it squeezing tightly. I see seb pulling me close and I slightly blush. "Sebbyyy." seb looks at Matilda "what?" I see Matilda giving him these weird so called "cute" faces now me personally she looks like she uses a electric dildo as a toothbrush- (please forgive me😭) now me personally I think she looks like a donkey respectfully.. I wish I could say that right to her face but it would be mean.

"We should take some pictures and make some videos!" Seb shrugs an just says okay. They start taking pictures and realizes I'm in mostly all of them. "Can you tell your friend to move." she says in a mean tone. "Yes but I gotta use the bathroom." seb says leaving the room. "Fucking back of Ryan." Matilda says flipping me off. "Oh you want me to back off you whore?" Matildas eyes widen and she takes her phone and secretly records without me even noticing. "Why would you call me a whore!?!" she says looking like she's about to fake cry.

"Yes I did call you a whore because you are one you act like one your even fucking built like one. Your so annoying you act like a whole pick me when I'm with Seb like I don't know who the fuck you are but you shouldn't be treating me like that because I'm friends with seb and can I not be friends with him like damn your gonna have to deal with it because I might even-" I get cut off by seb coming into the room." hey gu-" Seb cuts off by seeing Matilda fake crying." MATILDA?!? " Seb runs to her hugging her." R-Ryan is b-being mean t-to me.." Seb looks at me with a pissed off face.

"Is that true Ryan.. " Seb looks like he's about to cry."I-" I don't know what because I keep getting cut off." IS IT TRUE!?! " Matilda taps Seb on the shoulder. And shows him the record of me talking. My eyes widen Seb slowly looks at me after hearing the recording. I hear the boys running upstairs and knocking on Sebs door. Sebastian gets closer to me and closer and slaps me across the face. My eyes widen and I look at Seb with tears falling out of my eyes. Until he finally knew what he did" W-wait Ryan.. " Seb is about to grab my arm." no you did what you had to do.. " I sound stupid with my shakey voice.

I run out of Sebs room and all the boys look at me with tears overflowing my eyes and a red mark on my face where he slapped me.

(No one's POV)
Justin gets pissed but Ryan stops him from doing anything. "I-its fine.." Ryan says looking down at the ground. "But he-" Justin gets cut off by Ryan. "It's fucking fine Justin." Ryan walks off after that and Oliver follows him. Sebastian comes out his room and looks at everyone with a sad but angry face. "I can explain Ryan was being mean-" Justin cuts him off " no Seb shut it you know what you just did to Ryan!? Like you made him cry and now he has a mark on his face because of you. He trusted you Seb dobyou not understand Matilda hates Ryan so much like the way she looks at him the way she acts towards him. Like Seb we love you but you have to gain our trust again.." Sebs eyes widen and realizes what happened. The boys leave and Matilda comes up behind him. "It's oka-" Matilda was about to hug Seb. "Leave." Seb says "wait what.." Matilda says confused. "FUCKING LEAVE GRAB YOUR SHIT AND LEAVE WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDER YOU BITCH I HATE YOU SO MUCH YOUR THE WHOLE REASON THIS HAPPENED LEAVE MATILDA LEAVE NO ONE WANTS YOU HEAR EVER AGAIN NEVER CALL ME TEXT ME OR COME TO THIS HOUSE EVERY AGAIN I HATE YOU MATILDA I HATE YOU SO MUCH LEAVE NOW." Matildas eyes widen and tears roll down he'd face she grabs all her stuff and runs out the house.
Sorry it took so long with this next chapter... 😭 it's just I have been really busy and I have a test coming up so yeah. I'll try to get the next chapter rolling today since I don't have anything to do! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed and I love y'all bye! Have a great night or day stars!

Words 1504

Also free Sebryan photo😼

Also free Sebryan photo😼

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This is what falling in love feels like(Seb X Ryan ) NSBWhere stories live. Discover now