This Is What Falling In Love Feels Like

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Chapter 9

(Sebastian's POV)
I was thinking I would take Ryan on a date today since I feel bad for everything that has happened to him. I just wanted him to relax so I decided to go to Ty to ask if me and Ryan could go out. "Hey ty!!" I walk into his room. "So I was wondering if me and Ryan could have a day off because I really want to take him on a date and have fun with him." Ty sighs "fine but you have to be back at 10. Deal?" I nod and smile "thank you Ty!" I go to my room we're Ryan was laying down at. "Ryan!" I see him on the bed on his phone as he looks over at me with his beautiful eyes. "We got a day off" he tilts his head "just us?" I nod "mhm!" He smiles and gets up "what are we even gonna do Seb?" He asks and he puts his phone into his pocket. "Ryan." I looks at him "Ryan will you go on a date with me and hang out with me all day until 10?" He smiles even more and nods. He runs up to me hugging me right and I return that hug and we both melt into the hug and hug for a while until we stop. "I'll go take a shower and change!" I nod and he leaves. I do the same and decided to change into a good outfit since we are gonna go eat. I never told him we're but we are gonna have a picnic and I hope he loves it.

(Sebastian's outfit)

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(Sebastian's outfit)

(Sebastian's POV)
This is my outfit and I look good I love it. I wait for a while and decided to go on my phone. I was scrolling through instagram until I come across this one post and it's a girl who got arrested yesterday. It was my ex I was happy since she deserved to be in jail. Soon after Ryan makes his way into my room and he looks pretty like always.

(Ryan's outfit)

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(Ryan's outfit)

He has some very good style and I love that for him. "Ready to go Seb?" I get up "yes!" We both leave the house. We go to a restaurant and it was a sushi restaurant. We both go sit down and chill and we order and our food gets here quickly. We enjoy it, it was very good in my opinion and Ryan also loved it. We keep talking for a while and a little later we finished. We wanted to go to a arcade so we did! We had so much fun and we got many things I love spoiling Ryan so much. "You having fun?" He nods while he grabs his plushie he just got. It was a cute little cat plushie. "His new name is Sebastian." I smile and blush "your adorable." He smiles and kisses me on the cheek. "Let's continue looking around and playing games!" I nod and we walk off. Soon after we finished playing all games. We leave "what now?" I look Ryan. "Movies?" I nod we make our to my car. We both get in and Ryan connects his phone to the aux and we are listening to 'good looking by Suki Waterhouse'

(Bold words are lyrics of the song)

We get to the movie theater and we are both in the car sitting while the song is still playing.
(Oh my good looking boy)
"Hey Sebastian" he says looking towards me. "Yes?" He looks down.
(the skyline falls as I try to make sense of it all) "why did you choose me?" I smile "well your caring, nice, handsome, beautiful, loving, pretty, good, best person ever." His eyes widen and he smiles and I can see his eyes watering.
(I thought I'd uncovered your secrets but turns out there's more)
I see a tear fall down his face and he smiles leaning towards me. "Thank you Sebastian I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend." I smile and start to tear up to. I wipe Ryan's tears away with my thumbs and I kiss him on the lips. He blushes. "We should get inside the movie theatre and get tickets before any movie starts." He nods and we both get out the car. He rushes over grabbing my hand and we both walk into the movie theatre.
(You adored me before, oh my good looking boy..) song ends
We get our tickets and we barley make it into the movie theatre before it starts. We go sit down and we start to watch the movie. It was a very good movie but it was a horror movie and Ryan kept getting scared but it was cute. The movie ends and I turn to Ryan "did you like it?" He nods "it was good just a bit scary" we both laugh a little and get up leaving. "Well would you like to do anything else?" Ryan nods and smiles.

"Well what is it?" I say tilting my head "let's go to the beach!" I nod smiling "okay then let's do that!" The beach wasnt far from here do we walked over there. It was a pretty view because the sun was already setting. "It's pretty isn't it." I say as we sit down on the sand. "Ryan smiles and looks at me. "Can we take a photo?" I nod and I get closer to him and he snaps a picture. He looks at it smiling. "You like it?" He nods quickly and saves it to his camera roll. "You don't mind sending it to me right Ryan?" Ryan looks over to me "yeah I could send it to you!" I get a notification and it was from Ryan and I logged into my phone saving the photo and making it my wallpaper. "Hey we should match." I say smiling. "With what photo?" Ryan asks "the one you just took of us!" He smiles "okay!" He puts it as his wallpaper and we both smile at each other. We start to lean closer to each other.

(Ryan's POV)
I could feel Sebastian warm breath on my face as we lean closer and closer. We finally kiss and I feel Sebastian pulling me closer and putting one of his hands on my cheek. We look at each other as we break the kiss. "I love you so much Ryan you have done so much for me you don't understand. Your my favorite boy in this whole world no one could top you ever. Thank you for being here thank you for being apart of my whole life thank you for everything Ryan i love you and I will forever love you." He smiles and he starts to tear up making me tear up. I hug him tightly and I feel so safe in his arms. We start to cry and I will never forget this moment ever. I look at him "I love you so Sebastian your my sweet boy." He hugs me tighter and I cry even harder. He looks at me wiping my tears away. "We should get home." I nod and we get up leaving the beach area walking back to the car. We drive back home and we get out the car. And get inside the house. It was very quiet because everyone was in there room or either asleep. I yawn "you tired Ryan?" I nod and he picks me up as we walk to his room. He sets me down on his bed and he takes off my shoes and gets beside me and we both fall asleep hugging each other tightly keeping each other safe.



Hello!!!! I'm so sorry it ended here I know I said 15 chapters but writing and coming up with new ideas hurt my head.😭 I hope y'all enjoyed this beautiful book or story same thing. I worked very hard I would love if you would vote this book so it can get more reads. I will try to make new story ideas maybe about K-pop or other members of NSB! I love making these they are really fun and I get to make them how ever I want without anyone telling me what I'm doing right or wrong. I love y'all so much and thank you for all the reads and votes it means so much to me I would give all y'all a hug bro y'all are so sweet lol. Thank once again and again i will try to come up with more ideas to make y'all entertained! I love y'all so much and you too stars! I will tag North Star Boys Socials in case y'all need it (only Instagram, and Twitter) but once again thank y'all and I love y'all so much please follow me on my journey to try and get better at writing! I love y'all once again I know I keep saying it a lot but I don't love y'all! Bye bye and see y'all soon!

Words- 1556


Ryan- @Azngami
Sebastian- @SebastianMoy
Oliver- @OliverMoy
Darren- @Darren.jyl
Kane- @KaneRatan
Justin- SojuPhan
Regie- RegieMacalino
Ty- TheManagerTy
Bae- BaeMerola
Angel- AyeScober


Ryan- @Azngami
Sebastian- @ImSebastianMoy
Oliver- @OliverMoy
Darren- @DarrenLiang12
Kane- @KaneRatan
Justin- @SojuPhan
Regie- @Macalinoregie23
Bae- @BaeMerola

This is what falling in love feels like(Seb X Ryan ) NSBWhere stories live. Discover now