This is what falling in love feels like

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Chapter 7

(Sebastian's POV)
"They told me they are leaving now want to go say bye?" Ryan says standing up. "Yeah sure" we go to the main room "bye guys!" Ryan says smiling. "Bye don't do anything if you know what I mean.." Justin smirks and the boys laugh "shut up Justin!" He laughs. They walk out the door and it's just me and Ryan now. "So what now?" Ryan thinks "want to record a video on my account?" I nod and we go to his room he shares with Justin. We set everything up and he smiles at me kissing me on the lips. I blush and smile "I love you" he says smiling "I love you more." We both smile at each other and Ryan looks around to turn on the camera.

Ryan- hey guys welcome back to another video today I'm here with Sebastian!

Sebastian- hey guys!

(No one's POV)
Sebastian wraps his arms around Ryan's waist and Ryan blushes.

Ryan- T-Today we are going to be watching some funny TikTok's Y-You sent to us on our discord.

Sebastian tights his arms around Ryan and he starts to stutter Sebastian smile and whispers in his ear "Shh." Ryan blushes even more. They pull up discord and start to scroll through videos and found one. They were having fun and laughing but Ryan moved to Sebastian's lap. Sebastian blushes and smiles. They continue to laugh and all the stuff till the end of the video.

Ryan- Thank you so much for watching bye stars!

Sebastian- Bye!!!

(Ryan's POV)
I look at Sebastian "did you have to grab my waist!" I say blushing still. He puts his hand on my thigh and I blush even more "A-Ay!" I stutter he smirks and me and his hand goes up more. I look into his eyes "is that all you got Seb." I tease him and then his hand goes even higher. My eyes widen he leans in closer I lean in slowly and we are inches away from kissing. We finally kiss and it turns into a make out session. He slides his tongue in my mouth "Mm.." he breaks the kiss and smiles at me. "You seemed to enjoy that." He smirks "shut up!" I push him away blushing. "Want to go out and eat?" He asks as a sorry "sure!" I smile and we both getting up getting ready to leave the house.

"Ready?" Sebastian asks grabbing his car keys and I nod. We go outside to the car and it's dark it was 10 already and the boys aren't home yet. They didn't say exactly when it was gonna end but I hope they are okay. We start to drive to the place and I keep looking outside. "It's pretty outside isn't it." He smiles "yes it is so many stars tonight." We keep driving for a bit until we get to the place. We both get out the car and he holds my hand while we go inside. Some girl comes up "are you Sebastian Moy?!?" She says excitedly. Sebastian smiles "yes I am!" She laughs "can I have a photo?!?" She asks really fast but still slow enough for Sebastian to understand her. "Yes of course." She gets close to him and Sebastian holds up a peace sign. "Thank you so much!" She smiles and leaves. I roll my eyes and Sebastian looks at me smiling "you jealous?" I shush him and another girl comes up. "Are you Ryan Nguyen?!?" She asks me.

I nod smiling a bunch and she hugs me I hug her back of course because it's nice. "Would you like a photo?" I ask she nods and gets set next to me. I smile and she also smiles. "Thank you so much!" She hugs me one more time and goes to her seat with her best friends. I look at Sebastian and he looks mad "don't worry Seb we are equal now love." He blushes and laughs we go to a seat and the waiter comes up. "What would y'all like to drink?" I look at her "a water please." She writes it down "now what for you?" She says to Sebastian "Water to please." She writes it down leaving. A girl that I took a picture with comes up to our table. "Hey Ryan right?" She asks smiling I nod "can I have your phone number?" I look at Sebastian "no thank you I don't give my phone number out. And plus I'm already dating someone." She looks sad but then sees Sebastian grab my hand. He eyes widen and smile "very sorry but have fun with your boyfriend!" She leaves and I smile.

Later we get our food and it was very good. Sebastian gave me some of his and I gave him some of my food his was very good but I don't think her liked mine. It's because he made a face that made me laugh. I get a lot of messages on instagram from stars. I go on my phone and see a photo of me and Sebastian holding hands. I scroll through the photos and see a picture of us kissing. My eyes widen. "You okay Ryan?" I look at him and shake my head fast. "Why what happened?" I show him my phone and his eyes widen. I keep getting notification after notification. I grab my phone and go through what stars are sending me some are good a positive messages but some of the are death threats. My hands start shaking because I'm scared on how someone got this photo. "Can we leave Sebastian.." he nods and asks for the waiter to give our receipt. After we payed we ran out that restaurant I can feel people just staring at us confused. We get into the car and go back home.

The boys aren't home still and I'm starting to get even more worried than before. I call Ty but he doesn't answer I call some of the other guys like Darren, Justin, and Oliver no answer. I start to cry because I'm worried "is someone stalking us seb.." I ask terrified "maybe.." he say "come on." We rush upstairs and lock the door we decided to just sleep and hope the boys come on the morning.


(Sebastian's POV)
I wake up and see Ryan fast asleep he's so cute. I look at my phone to see if the boys texted me. I check Ryan's phone to see if the boys texted him. No answer I shake Ryan to wake him up "mmm.." he wakes up yawing and sitting up. "Have you gotten a text from the boys yet?" I shake my head and he starts to worry even more. "Should we go look for them..?" He asks "let's give them a bit more time.." he nods and we decided to get up and the same messages like always death threats and happy stars. I wish no one posted that photo even though people know we are dating..I think. "Let's go eat breakfast."  We get up and go downstairs. And it's so quiet. We go to the kitchen to see a note on the table. Ryan goes to read the note.

I have your little friends Sebastian and Ryan..
You want them back don't you?
Your probably so so worried about them but don't worry they are safe with me.
The reason I did this is because I'm jealous of your relationship.
I will do what ever to get your heart I want to be you forever and ever.
I love you so much Sebastian.
Ryan you can die nobody wants you here.
Sebastian if you want your friends there's no reason trying to save them.
I have them and I will keep them forever.
Till your mine..

- Sebastian's real love.

(End of note)

(No one's POV)
"Who did this Sebastian.." Ryan looks at Sebastian terrified. "Get in the car I think I know who." They rush outside and get into Sebastian's car driving off.
Hello!!!! I'm so sorry this chapter took forever I have been just sad because I ended school. But anyways who do you think has there friends? Matilda or a new admirer??? I hope you enjoyed this chapter a lot. I will try my hardest to get the other chapter done because my goal is 15 chapters. So I will try to start it tomorrow! I hope you are enjoying this story so far I have tried so so hard for this and coming up with last minute ideas. Sorry this is very long it's just that I have to tell you random stuff you probably don't want to know. But thank you for reading and please continue to! See you in the next chapter! Bye stars!!! Love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so SOOOOOO MUCH!

Words- 1503

This is what falling in love feels like(Seb X Ryan ) NSBWhere stories live. Discover now