Ok ok, before y'all get at me for making the title "Hitting Children"...I chose the name simply because I thought it'd be funny if the first theme would be "Cats" and then suddenly the second theme would be "Hitting Children"
When I was just a youngling I was spanked :(...
Ok well not like spanked spanked, but just spanked by my mother.
Honestly, I think people should be allowed to hit their children to some extent. For example, you knock over your grandmas' ashes and your mother spanks you with her bare hand on your ass. I think, that's fine.
Before you get at me, I only think mother should be allowed to spank their children because...
Honestly, I don't know but I just think that.
But on the other hand, you drop a crumble of your cookie on the floor. Suddenly your mother and father are running full charged at you with belts and clubs. This is what I call spanking spanking. And you should not be spanked spanked nor do spanking spanking. Since I suppose that's child abuse.
But just spanking is fine in my opinion.
(Sorry, this was so short, but go ahead and have a heated argument with me please, I need something entertaining since my previous entertainment has died out :/)
((Also, this book is probably going to be updated frequently. Like once or twice or thrice a week. Plus, my writing style will be changed around a bit, so be prepared for a wild ride of me being angry, sad and happy))
(((Oh, and you can suggest any theme via anything)))
Bye byeeeeeee *peace emoji*
Opinions that will anger people
Random...I state my opinions on many different topics and debate on them with my consciousness.