Chapter 2

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I want to thank everyone who has read, voted, liked, tweeted or commented. I was absolutely blown away by the response!

Well for this chapter I want to point out I'm not a ballerina, so everything I'm writing here is my own imagination, how I think a audition should went. If I've made any mistakes, please don't judge me :)

Well enjoy!


After my name, a few other names were being called. When Natalia yelled, “Nathaniel Cavanaugh,” the beautiful boy pushed himself from the wall and started to walk towards the large double doors. To my great dismay Kelly and a few of her friends were also in my group.

Eventually we were with about hundred people, most of them fidgeting nervously while some, Kelly and Nathaniel included, looked calm and confident. They behaved like they were already accepted. I don’t need to mention I belonged to the uptight group.

After everyone was sent to a large, dark room, Natalia closed the door behind us. I noticed the room was a large theatre, it had to have at least 400 seats, but only three of them were occupied. 

Behind a desk was sitting none other than Svetlana Woznikov. Her black hair was pulled up into a tight bun and she was scribbling furiously on a notebook, probably already judging our appearances. Beside her were sitting an older man and woman I didn’t recognize. 

A whisper from someone told me this were Roy and Elena Mackenbach. At the mention of these names a bell started ringing. Roy and Elena were brother and sister and one of the best ballet couples ever. I had no idea why I didn’t recognize them. Maybe because the last time they’d danced together was thirty years ago. They had to be in their sixties now.

“We’ve given you all a number, please stand in order,” Natalia yelled.

I was number 87, what meant I would stand in the second line. This was a good thing, I think.

For some people it was apparently very hard to stand in a neat line and next to the right number. Natalia and another man were running around the place, trying to get everybody standing in the right way. Poor woman. She was already sweating and a vain was pumping vigorously on her forehead. 

It took about ten minutes, before Natalia was finally happy with her lines. I had to suppress a smile. If the whole audition was going to be like this, we would still be here by tomorrow.

“Alright everybody,” Natalia yelled. “Welcome to the auditions for the Royal School for Performing Arts. As you may know, we only have four spots open, so we expect you to give us your best. Right now, you’re going to mimic the steps I give you and that way Svetlana, Roy and Elena will judge whether you’re good enough for us or not.”

I was tempted to pack my bag and run away, Just to maintain my dignity. There were only fifteen spots and there had to be at least 800 dancers. Where did I sign up for?

“Are you ready?” Natalia addressed Svetlana and the others. 

When they nodded, she turned her attention to us and told us to pay attention.

“Start à la seconde.” I quickly turned to the side and tried to stand as graciously as possible. When I was done I looked at Natalia again, who was standing exactly the same way as me.

“Then perform a Ballon, Battement Fondue, Plié, Soubresaut, Tombé and end with a Foetté en Tournant. Perform this five times. I’ll show you how we want it.”

I tried to memorize the steps the best possible and looked at Natalia, while she performed the steps. I felt a pang of jealousy as I watched her. She moved so fluidly and graciously, every step was performed in perfection. I could only hope I’d ever dance with a fraction of her grace.

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