Chapter Four

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    I'm back at the lair, and I can hear Leo and Raph talking. Raph wants me off the team for a while. He argues, "Cmon Leo, he doesn't even do anything!" I hear Leo mumble something, but I can't make out what it is. Suddenly, I hear him sobbing. I open my door hesitantly, make my way out of my room into the living room. My arms burn, and I hiss in pain as one brushes against the door frame. This alerts them. Leo sniffles and wipes his face quickly. Raph looks at the floor. He doesn't look me in the eye anymore. "What's happening?" I ask. "Nothing." Leo mutters. I cross over to him and hug him. Tight. He tenses up, but soon relaxes. I bury my face in his shell, trying to hold onto this moment. He pulls away. I turn to Raph. Eyes cold. "Is it not enough for you to bully me? Do you have to give Leo shit too?" His eyes widen. I don't really curse. He stutters, "W-what's it to you? Screw-up."

   I don't hesitate. I feel my conscience slip away. My fist grinds into his nose, and it spurts blood, he chokes. I see the regret in his eyes change to anger, and he grabs my throat and throws me down. I hear Leo screaming, but I don't stop. I flip on my stomach and swing my leg around, tripping Raph. We grapple for a few seconds, until Sensei pulls us apart, yelling. I don't understand what he's saying, all I understand is I NEED TO MAKE RAPH SORRY.

~leo's pov~

   What the hell just happened?! Mikey totally went apeshit on Raph. He had this funny, dead look in his eyes. Like he just faded away for a minute. He just kept punching the shit out of Raph...and it scared me. Mikey has never ever done that to any of us. I snap out of my thoughts because of Sensei yelling. Wait...he's yelling? He hardly ever yells, so he must be really mad. I look at Raph, and he just looks shocked. Blood is still dripping from his nose. Mikey on the other hand...oh shit. 

~mikey's pov~

No. No! NO! I can't breathe! I'm trying to do what Donnie showed me, I'm breathing in and out, and in and out. I breathe faster, trying to get more air. I think I'm having a panic attack. I try to quiet myself, but it's not working, and I start gasping. Sensei stops lecturing us, and looks at me, concerned. "Michaelangelo? Are you..alright?" I gasp louder and faster, the room blurs. I can't bear the silence, and yet it's loud at the same time. I hear people calling my name. Just then, there's a hand on my shoulder. My eyes shoot open, and that's when the screaming starts.

~donnie's pov *finally 🙄✋*~

   I'm tinkering in my lab, headphones on, when I hear something loud enough to break me out of my music stupor. Is that..screaming? Oh shit. I run out of my lab, just in time to see Sensei trying to restrain Mikey. He's screaming and thrashing around. He breaks free of Sensei's grasp and backs into a corner, hyperventilating and scratching at his wrists. When Raph tries to come near him, he just screeches louder, and throws a chair at Raph, barely missing his head. The chair smashes against the wall, bringing Karai out of her room. "What the hell is going on?!" She says angrily. She stops at the sight of the blood on the floor, and Mikey huddled in the corner. "OK, EVERYONE STOP!" I yell. Everyone stops and stares at me, except Mikey. He covers his ears and flails his legs around, whimpering. I make my way to him and kneel. "Hey buddy. Do you want to go sit in my lab? I'll turn down the lights, and you can listen to music. Is that ok?" He sniffles, then nods. "Can I touch you?" I ask. He nods again, covering his eyes. He looks at me and bows his head. "Did you hurt yourself?" His wrists are raw and bleeding. I scooch closer to take a look. He yelps and yanks his arms away from me. "Ok, ok. I'm sorry, let's go sit. Do you want Leo to come? And Karai?" He shakes his head no. I help him up, and he flinches slightly at my touch.

   I lead him to the lab, everyone stays silent. I set up a little tent for him with a battery-powered strip of LED lights, some snacks, blankets, pillows, and water. I add some plushies too, and some noise-canceling and regular headphones. I set up the TV near it and turn the lights down. "Phew. Ok, why don't you nap for a while buddy?" He whispers, "Ok D." His voice sounds raw, and he winces. "Sorry." I pat his head and hug him. "You don't need to be sorry."  I exit the lab, and turn to my family, cross my arms, and hiss, "What the SHELL happened?"

~karai's pov *omg wow 🤩💅✨*~

  What in the heck? I try to sleep for one hour, and this happens. Father, Leo, Raphael, Donnie, and I are all in the kitchen drinking tea. Donnie fixed up Raph's nose, and we just huddle around our cups and wait for someone else to break the ice. Father starts, "Raphael." Raph starts and hangs his head. "I'm sorry Sensei. I've been a huge ass, haven't I? I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I told him to-" His voice breaks. "I told him to kill himself, and I hurt him!" He shudders. Father looks at him reproachfully.  "Raphael Hamato. This is what I mean when I tell you to control your temper!" Raph nods. "He will not forgive you. For a long time. I want you to try to fix the bond, and you MUST control your anger. Now, Donatello." Donnie looks away, tears pooling in his eyes. "I understand you have not been the nicest to your brother either." Donnie's voice trembles as he nods. "I've been really stressed. And...Mikey wasn't really helping. I guess I didn't consider how he was feeling either." Splinter nods, and places a comforting hand on Donnie's shoulder. "Now, Leonardo-" Donnie interrupts. "He hasn't done anything wrong. He's been the best out of us when it comes to Mikey." Father hesitates, then smiles. "Well, let's go check on Mikey." 

~splinters pov *wow we getting some variety*~

As a family, we make our way into Donatello's laboratory. I walk over to the tent, and the others stay behind me shyly. I knock on the floor outside the tent, whispering softly. "Michaelangelo. We would like to talk?" No response. That is curious, my youngest is always willing to talk with me. Or...that's what I thought. I unzip the tent, and peek inside. "Donatello. He's not here."

~leo's pov~

We immediately start combing the room for Mikey, and eventually the lair. We think he must have snuck out when we were in the kitchen. "Father? I-I...found this." Karai sounds like she's close to tears. I place a hand on her shoulder, as Karai hands Sensei a small note. I look at her, searching her face for answers. She looks away. Sensei reads the note, his eyes widening. "Raphael, come with me. Now, quickly!" Raphael looks confused, but follows Sensei quickly out of the lair. I pick the note up off the floor, where Sensei dropped it, and quickly begin reading:

Hey guys. It's Mikey.

I just wanted to let you know before I go, I love you all. 

Heading to the pier.

Remember, I love you all so much, and I'm sorry I wasn't a better person.


My heart drops as I realize...the paper is stained with dark red blood.

I turn to Donnie and Karai, eyes blazing fiercely.

"Let's go get our baby brother."

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