hidden in plain sight

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"Oi Potter. Hssst! Harry!" Draco was trying to be quiet, and it wasn't working. He tapped at Harry's left hand and tugged at his fingers under the table.

The study rooms had been full when Harry and Ron rushed in. Hermione was already seated and motioned over to Ron to come sit down next to her. She wordlessly apologised to Harry. A shy smile on her face. He knew better than to feel any anger and simply slipped into an empty seat, finding himself right next to Draco Malfoy.

Draco did a double take when Harry had sat down next to him, keeping an arm's length of space between them. This did not stop the Slytherin from poking and prodding at the Gryffindor until he got his attention. 

"Stop it, Draco." Harry hissed, Draco feigned offence but continued his efforts.

"Only for a little bit. Come on."

Harry sighed softly and hesitated. The sky was slowly turning navy blue beyond the windows. He could hardly see Draco's hand under the table, let alone his. Draco's icy grey eyes looked at him expectantly, and Harry gave in.

"Fine. Only for a bit."

His hand slipped into Harry's, and the corner of his mouth pinched up the slightest. Harry tried to remain neutral, but it wasn't working, so he decided to fiddle with his quill instead.

Snape briskly slid past, and Draco pulled his hand closer, draping their intertwined hands with his robe. Sly Slytherin.

Snape rounded the corner of their table and headed towards Hermione and Ron's. He turned to Potter and asked from two tables away.
"Working hard, Potter?"

"Ah, yes, Professor Snape." He eyed Harry pointedly before shifting his focus to Draco.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, Draco, and get back to work. Crabbe and Goyle won't help you master magic. Head down."

Draco scowled at Snape and gave Harry a brief smile before unwillingly turning back to his work. Squeezing Harry's hand in the process.

Harry's face was heating up, and he fanned himself slightly, trying to cool off.


Ron gulped, turned to Hermione, and whispered, "Did...did Malfoy just smile at Harry?"

Hermione, too focused on their current herbology assignment, managed a simple "Hmm?"

"I think I just saw Malfoy smile at Harry," Ron repeated.

"He does that all the time, Ron," she reassured him, "he was probably mocking him again. Do your work."

Ron was sure of what he saw and added, "But he blushed."

This caught Hermione's attention. "What? Malfoy?"

"No, Harry."

She looked at Ron and then at Harry and Draco, who now looked to be back to their usual selves. "Absolute bollocks." With that, she turned back down to her work and continued scribbling down on her piece of parchment.

Ron remained agape at what he had just seen.



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