Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Celebratory Dinner

They decided to cook dinner together even though Nicco insisted he'd be happy to cook for her.

"Ako na lang sa prep. Ano ba need?" Francine asked.

"Huhugasan 'yong patatas para sa mashed potatoes."

"Okay, tapos?"

He frowned. "Ako na lang dito, please? Gusto kita i-surprise, e. Pahinga ka na lang muna."

"No! I want to help and cook with you."

"Okay, fine. Pero sa mashed potatoes ka na lang ako na bahala dito sa steak at salad," he said, caving in.

Francine smiled. "Sure!"

She washed the potatoes like he said before placing them in a pot to boil. She rinsed off and dried her hands, watching him prepare the ribeye steak.

She stood beside him, her eyes focused on his hands and how he maneuvers the knife to trim off fatty edges from the meat. He made it look so smooth, precise, and seamless. The knife must've been sharp or it could have also been brought by his practice.

A roll of breath escaped her lips wondering how he probably looks like in the operating room. Sure, she saw him one time at the hospital wearing his blue scrub suit underneath his white coat. The stethoscope she gifted him some time ago wrapped around his neck, and he had his glasses on.

She tried to recall that night at the emergency floor. She felt a bit groggy due to the medicine they gave her, but she remembers how he was trying to talk to the little kid while stitching his wound so he wouldn't get nervous and afraid of the needle.

That night seemed fuzzy in her memory, but she swears it was the first time she saw him differently.

"Kanina ka pa nakatingin sa akin," sabi ni Nicco habang pinapainit ang pan.

Francine smiled, wrapping her arms around him while waiting for the pan to heat up. She placed her chin on the hollow of his neck, pressing a soft kiss beside his jaw.

"Nothing. You look good."


"Sabi ko you look good."

"Okay? Bakit?" he asked.

"What do you mean bakit? You look good and handsome and breathtaking and pretty and gorgeous."

He chuckled at her train of compliments, looking over his shoulder. "I mean, bakit? Para saan?"

Francine knows he's making it seem like it was nothing but she saw how blood rushed to his cheeks when he turned away.

"Nothing. Hindi ba kita p'wede sabihan ng gano'n?"

"Of course, it's fine. Ang biglaan lang."

"I just appreciate you, that's all. Mag-thank you ka na lang."

A smile lingered on his lips. "Okay. Thank you," he said, moving a little to the side to fully cover her from the pan when it sizzled.

"Upo ka muna sa lamesa para hindi ka matilamsikan dito," sabi ni Nicco.

Umiling naman siya. "No. I want here. I'm your assistant. Ano pa ba need mo? Butter?"

"Mamaya pa 'yong butter pero pakuha ng garlic."

"Okay, ilan?" she asked.

"Isang buo tapos kahit 'wag mo na balatan. Pahati na lang sa gitna."

They finished cooking just in time for dinner when Francine asked if they could shower first and dress up nicely as a way to celebrate the night.

Through the NightsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon