My First life

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I was a daughter of a well-known duke, My name was "Tanya Al Lonner". My father was "Alpha Al Lonner", the Duke of the North.
In short, The empire is divided into 5 parts- In the centre - the capital where the royal family's power is absolute, The west was ruled by a Duchess who killed her husband to take over the highest power because he wasn't ruling the region properly, most of people accepted her rule because she cared alot about the people, The south and east was ruled by a big Duke family which had 2 heirs and those two took the east and south for them and their family and the North was ruled by my father, In my opinion he was a very good ruler but he never once cared about his family and was always busy with his work. As I told my mother was slut, My brothers were blinded by "love".In the end I died for my father, to be honest I never wanted to sacrifice my life for him, he just used me as a shield.
One day I and my father was travelling in a carriage to the capital where assassins were trying to assassinate my father even though I protected him, he just pushed me and ran away with a horse. I was quite strong that I mastered Swordsmanship and magic at a very young age but this was my first time in a real battle and I even had Aura (High-level swordsmanship) and Mana (High-level magic control) but the assassins overpowered me and I got killed and I am pretty sure I am still in the same place my father wouldn't have come pick my body. It's not like there is anything I could do now that I  reincarnated as a new born baby. Tsk
I cannot do anything other than cry, eat and pee. I am really embrassed that I have to go through this with an adult mind inside. Whatever if I am sure I reincarnated into a really rich noble family to be honest I have 30+ nannies who take care of me and my mother is a gorgeous woman with mana. I never once heard her name and I have never seen my father either. I guess he is busy, Hmph who cares. I think I am weird for not feeling bad about my past life Meh who cares in this life I am not going to do anything but to live joyfully with money. Haa just thinking about it makes me feel pretty relaxed. I feel hungry all of a sudden I guess I'll just cry out loud so the maids will arrive to take care of me.
Ok the maids arrived, let's stop crying
"Miss is hungry! bring some milk"
"Yes mam"
I guess she is in a high position maybe the head maid or the personal maid of the madam.
"Here Miss have some milk"
I will drink the milk then
"Good then Miss I will put you to sleep have a good rest"
"Yesh tdadj quoe" *Yes thank you*
"I guess the Miss is all grown up that she even understands what I am talking about"
"Yezh" *Yes*
"Well then good night"
. . .
In the morning
"My cute baby, today we're gonna meet your mean daddy who didn't even come to visit you for 5 months. You better scold him hmph''
To be honest my mom here is very kind and always takes care of me if only my past mother was like that I wouldn't have faced such a fate.
"After meeting your daddy, we all are going to go to the church to see which talent, I wish you have the magic talent because I only know that if you got swordsmanship or both swordsmanship and magic you have to go with the mean daddy so wish that you have only magic."
If this involves my past life I am pretty sure I am9 going with the *daddy* your talking about.
"Moomuy" *Mommy*
"Wait that's your first word awwww I will make sure to brag about it to your daddy"
"Madam Alexia Master has arrived"
"Seems like your daddy has arrived let's go meet him now"
What to do I kinda want to pee. There is nothing I could do but to cry
"What happend baby girl, you wet yourself huh?"
"My lady what happend?"
"It's nothing our baby girl wet herself I have to go change her so you have to introduce yourself properly to her later or while going to the church💢"
"Y-yes yes of course It's not my fault so why are you this angry"
Hmm so now we are on a carriage Hmph whatever
"She finally woke up"
"Uwaaaaa"(who the actual fuck is that!?)
"Hmm g-give her I will calm her downhere here don't cry"
"*heavy breathing*"
"She finally calmed down so let me introduce myself don't cry now I am father Sonne De Flamer and-"
"I am your mother Alexia De Flamer and I am sure you don't want to be with your mean daddy so why don't you come to Mommy and have some milk"
''Wait your going to feed her here!?"
De Flamer whattt!? It seems I reincarnated into the Duke family of East Hmph agh it's annoying oh my God.
"Master we have arrived in the church"
"Correct time for the appointment I guess"
"Welcome the Duke and Duchess of the east I heard your here find out the power of your new-born child"
''Yes as you know it's right we can start the process right away'' *cold tune*
"Yes of course"
"Pls take the child here and put her hand in this place"
The light is too bright I can't see. I hope It will be nothing abnormal because I have escape this place after quite a while.
"Wow! what a miracle your new-born child is vefy special she has the power of . . .

To be continued. . .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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Transmigrated as the only daughter of a duke (Manhwa Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now