Chapter 5: quidditch

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Chapter 5: quidditch

As the rest of the year progressed Devin and Cedric made themselves known as troublemakers only being rivaled by the Weasley twins. They had been summoned to Flitwick's office 13 times, a new record Flitwick had said.

They also had made friends with a confident roger davies, who had helped them with a prank against Flich. They were soon inseparable, so when the school year finally ended, they exchanged addresses to owl each other. As the Hogwarts Express rolled away from the Hogsmeade, Devin, and his friends had claimed a compartment for themself and were talking about what they were going to do this summer.

"I and Dad are going to south africa," Roger said

"Wasnt there a dragon breakout?" Devin asked

"Yes but the dragons flew back to India," Roger said

"I'm going to Scotland" Cedric declared

"Devin, what are you going do"

"No idea, Tim probably forgot to book something," Devin said


"Devin there you are," Tim said "And who are these gentlemen," he said gesturing to Cedric and Roger

"My friends"

"Well it is nice to meet you, boys," Tim said smiling at the boys

"Promise you'll write to me," Devin said turning to Cedric and Roger.

"If you write back"

"Deal," Devin said grinning

"I'm going to say goodbye to Rose," Cedric said blushing

"Bye loverboy," Roger said grinning at Cedric who hurried away.

"I'll see you next year"



As he and Tim flew over the sea in their flying car. The sun started to set and the lights turned on.

"Devin, I've got an early birthday surprise for you" Tim proclaimed

"What," Devin asked excitedly

"We're going to the quidditch world cup in the USA"

"Your joking"


"Thank you so much" reaching for a hug

"Hey hey hey I'm driving," Tim said laughing.

"When is it"

"In three weeks"

"Who is playing"

"The Netherlands against Canada"


"Devin was going," Tim said

"I'm ready," Devin said sporting orange pants and a shirt

"Looks like somebody is supporting the Netherlands," Tim said laughing "The portkey leaves in thirty minutes, have you packed everything"







"Well let us get going, it is a 15-minute walk, its near Gladstad"

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