Chapter 4: no broomsticks allowed

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I don't own harry potter.

Chapter 4: no broomsticks allowed

"My lord Devin Black has been spotted at Hogwarts," a hooded figure said

"Son of black, interesting is he any good" someone replied in an inhumane sound.

"From what I have seen he is exceptionally good at potions," the man said with disgust "and he is a dada talent from what I heard"

"Make a challenge for him, he is still young and is dreading fame he will fall right into our trap," the man said remaining in the shadows of the cave "You have been an exceptionally good servant Severus"


The first week of Hogwarts was truly exceptionally beside from snape. Snape had taken an immediate dislike against Devin and Cedric even if Devin made the most perfect potion, snape would still give him an acceptable.

But there wasn't a lot of time to plot a prank on Snape. Because they had flying lessons. Cedric had been talking non-stop about quidditch for over an entire week. "I'm going to a chaser" "The new Nimbus 1999" and "I heard that Troy" constantly rambling about quidditch.

As Cedric and Devin made their way to the courtyard, a woman with short grey hair stood surrounded by broomsticks.

"Okay everybody stands to the right side of a broom"

The student did what they were told.

"You are going to hold your hand over the broom and say up"

As soon as she said, everyone was trying to get the broom up first. Devin just looked around and said

"Up" The broom immediately flew into his hand

"How did you do that," Cedric asked astonished.

"I said up" Devin replied flatly

After ten minutes everyone finally had their broom in their hand.

"When I yes you will hoover and then land safely," she said "Yes"

Devin sat on the broom and removed his feet from the ground. He was flying for the first time he flew he felt like he belonged here, in the air. He looked to his right and saw Cedric grinning at him like an idiot

"Looks like Mr. Black was the first one to fly," she said looking impressed normally this would take ten minutes before someone took off. "Ten points to Ravenclaw"

They did a couple of other tests which resulted in another 15 points for Ravenclaw.

"Okay that raps it up for today, let me remind you that first-years are not allowed a broom," she said sternly

"Well, she about that," Devin said under his breath only to be heard by Cedric who grinned at him.


"Wait so you want to sneak out in the night into the broom shed steal brooms and fly around," Cedric asked his friend.


"But maybe we get caught"

"Maybe, only time will tell" Devin replied "Are you in"


They walked to the great hall to be met with the familiar smell of meat and pumpkins. Devin picked his normal meal of steak and potato. Devin was talking with another first-year girl named rose sands. When a brown barn owl arrived. Tim's owl took he the letter off his feet.

Dear Devin

I'm pleased to hear that you have been sorted in Ravenclaw. Please be careful the wizarding world is full of dangers. Make sure I won't hear from the school that you did something stupid.

But the real reason I have written this letter is that somebody knocked at the door yesterday he asked I you were home, and I said I didn't know Devin. But I could see he didn't believe it. Dumbledore has put up some wards around the house. While Dumbledore was here he said that had preforming well.

Good luck, Tim

"And," Cedric asked

"Somebody came to our house" Devin whispered to Cedric.

"Don't you have wards?" Cedric asked

"Tim is a squib but Dumbledore put some wards up for us"


As the sun set over Hogwarts and students got into bed. Devin en Cedric snooks out of the Ravenclaw common room into the dark corridors of Hogwarts. They walked silently to the end of the corridor. Devin stuck his head around the corner and looked left nobody right.

"Flich" Devin whispered to Cedric "Quick hide behind that statue"

They ran silently to the large statue of a skinny tall man. They held their breath in.

"one day I will catch somebody lurking these hallways," Filch said murmuring to himself

They waited for a minute before walking hasted to the broom shed by the quidditch stadium.

"Alhomora" 'click'

They saw mountains of broomsticks. Cedric stood there open-mouthed.

"Come on what are you waiting for," devin said grinning


They both grabbed a broom and mounted it.

"First at the highest tower wins," Devin said " 3 2 1 go"

They launched themself into the air. The glow of the moon cast a glow onto the stones of Hogwarts.

Devin dodged a tower and dived the inside of Cedric and taking the lead. Cedric seeing Devins overtake pressed himself onto the broom to gain speed. And using the slipstream of Devin he launched himself around the outside of Devin. Devin looked to the right to see Cedric speeding up and also threw himself flat on his broomstick.

However, the damage was done and Cedric took the lead. Devin looked up and saw an opportunity to overtake Cedric, he got next to Cedric and did a barrel roll over Cedric. Cedric looked surprised to see that Devin had appeared alongside him, when the next corner came Devin found himself inside and overtook Cedric for the final time.

"Almost ced," Devin said grinning

"I should recommend you to play Quidditch," Cedric said seriously. "You've got some serious talent"


Next day at breakfast. Cedric and Devin appeared later than normal. As they got underway with their breakfast. Madam Hooch walked hastily toward Dumbledore she whispered something in his ear.

Devin looked to Cedric who gave a knowing look.

"Don't tell me you have done something stupid again" rose sands said suspiciously

"We would never do something like that, my lady," Devin said deeply offended

Cedric laughed.

"Students, it has come to my attention that somebody broke into the Hogwarts broom shed" Dumbledore announced "Extra security had been added, this will not be tolerated at Hogwarts"

"It was worth it," Cedric said silently to Devin who nodded

Please leave a review, I will post a new chapter tomorrow. Hogwarts Legacy is arriving in two days I'm super excited. Does anybody has an recommendations for this story.

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