Chapter 1

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The doorbell rang, reverberating throughout the house. I yawned and I looked at the clock. It was only 6 in the morning? Who could that be?

I groaned and slid out from under my faux fur blanket. I had been up since 3 am, waiting for the newest episode of my favorite show to premiere. 

"Alexa, turn on the living room lights," I said, tired.

I shuffled to the front hall and I flicked on the light. I craned my neck out the window in hopes to see who it was, but nothing. 

I clicked open the lock and swung the door open. It was...a girl. About 16 years old I would say.

She was about 5 foot 4 inches tall, with the same dark brown hair and the same hazel eyes as me. At first, nothing was alarming. Then, I looked closer.

Her body was covered in scrapes and scratches. Dried blood and mud caked her body. There was a huge gash over her eye, and blood was trickling down her face.

She was wearing a very bloodied, dirty, and oversized gray T-shirt with black ripped-up leggings. She has no shoes, and her feet were shuffling on our rough and rocky pathway.

"...Amber?" The girl whispered softly, gazing into my eyes."

"Hello? Are you okay? Do I know you?" I stammered, looking away. 

I focused my eyes on her dirty and roughed-up feet.

"It's Lily. Your sister? Don't you remember me?" The girl whispered, voice cracking.

I looked up sharply and examined her face, her eyes, a bit more. I saw the freckle that looked like a tree.  I would always tease her about how stupid it was. You know, sibling stuff. I saw the little scar on her cheek from when I pushed her off the playhouse and into the sandbox.  I sister.

But the most damning piece of evidence was her hand. With no pinky finger.


"Mom! Dad! " I screeched, clambering up the stairs. 

I had left Lili in the living room, on the couch. I knew it was her. It had to be her. I made her a cup of steaming hot tea and gave her a cleaning rag to help stop the bleeding on her head. She didn't seem injured, just battered and bruised. 

"I'll be right back," I whispered to her.

I ran into my parent's room where my mom and dad were fast asleep. 

"MOM! DAD! PLEASE!" I yelled. 

I ran over to their bed and shook my mom.

"Hugh? What? What is it, Amber?" My mother asked groggily.

"You have to come downstairs! Th-there's...well...Lily's back." I stammered.

My mom's eyes shot open. She sat straight up and shook my dad.

"Mark! Mark! Get up! Amber, you said Lily is back. How? Why?" 

She hurriedly got up out of bed and pulled a robe on from the floor. She smoothed down her frizzy hair.

"Show me!"

I grabbed her arm and we both flew down the carpeted grand staircase that led back to her. My mom ran into the doorway and stopped short as she took in Lily on the couch. Her bloodied face. Her torn clothes. She took in the 16-year-old girl in front of her, looking for a sign of her 6-year-old baby. Something must've clicked, because my mom ran forward. She threw her arms around Lily and squeezed.

"Mom...ow...can't breath..." Lily spluttered.

She let go and took a step back. 

"Look at you! Oh my goodness! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where were you? What happened? We need to call the police! Amber, draw a bath! Let's get you cleaned up and then we'll call the police." 

"Mom, shouldn't we like...wait to bathe her? I mean, won't there be like DNA or info or something? That the police can use?"

"No!" Lilly exclaimed. "I mean...I haven't bathed in so long. Please, mom?" Lilly batted her eyes at her and was she...smirking? 

I shook my head. 

No, stop thinking that. You're just in shock, I thought to myself.

But something kept nagging me. Why did she sound so desperate to shower? Is she...trying to hide something? Something felt very wrong about this.

Despite the relief I felt at my sister's return,  there was something else. Fear over what she might have become.

Author's note: These first few chapters will be kinda short as I'm trying to plan out what to write. Hopefully, you enjoyed this story! Let me know what you think :)

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