Chapter 2

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I was invisible. Or at least that's what it felt like as the police poured into our home. I don't know what they were doing, but it's a lot of interviewing, investigating, and...I don't know.

And I was just...there.

The police talked to me briefly about the state I found her in, then discarded me like the bloody rag Lilly used to staunch her blood.

Nobody seemed to want me around, so I left. I let my parents know I was leaving and then I left. I don't even think they heard me, they were too busy hugging and patting Lily on the shoulder.

My mom was a wreck. She would be happy one moment, the next moment she'd full-on sob.

I had to get out of here. I went down our long, winding driveway.

I finished knotting my shoelaces and I pulled my beige wool coat tighter around my shoulders. It was only 8 am, so I had nowhere to go. It was chilly, but the good kind of chilly that you only experience in the early days of spring. I took a deep breath of the crisp morning air. I needed to go somewhere, at least for a while so everything is situated at home. My boyfriend, Jackson, normally sleeps in, but I decided to beeline to his house anyways.

I dialed his number and waited for him to answer. No answer. I called again. And again. Finally, he picked up.

"Babe," Jackson started groggily, "It's literally 8 in the morning. You know I have a strict sleep policy. No consciousness until at least 11 am. Now what is it?"

" know my sister? Lily? The one who went missing? Well, she's um back. I'm kinda getting the feeling I'm not wanted around right now. Can I pop over for a bit?"

I could hear him shuffling around, probably sitting up.

"Seriously?? That's great babe! You can totally come over. I hear my mom downstairs with my sister. I'm going to sleep. You can explain the situation and I'm sure..." Jackson trailed off.

I signed and hung back up. He had fallen asleep. I don't know why at this point I was so upset, it's not like he's acting any different than usual.

I picked up my pace into a light jog and hurried down the streets to his house. I hurried past rows and rows of houses. I thought I had a big house, but Jackson's is 10x bigger.

I rubbed my hands together and pressed the intercom button on the gate.

"Yes, hello?" A British voice drawled out. It was Samuel, Jackson's butler. I hated him so much, especially with his snotty accent.

"Hi, it's Amber. Can you let me in? It's cold"

"Why should know by now that Mr. Binger refuses to wake up at this time. You would be wasting your time," he drawled slowly.

"I'm not here to see him right now. Besides he said I could come in. Now can you please send a car down to pick me up?"

Yes, he had cars to pick up visitors. I know, super bad for the environment, but who cares if you're mega rich.

The metal gates creaked open and I saw a sleek black BMW make its way towards me.

A few minutes pass and the car is finally here. I open the door eagerly and melt at the warm embrace of the heated car. I shut the door behind me and sink into the plush heated seat.

"Thank you so much, sir," I said to the driver as he pulled back to the house.

The drive up the long winding driveway is uneventful. The car approaches the front door and I sigh. Of course, Samuel is there to greet me as I step out of the car.

"Now what brings you here at such an early hour?"

"It's not very early. It's like almost 9 am now," I retort.

He raises an eyebrow at my snarky response and opens the big wooden door for me. I nod my head to thank him and I make my way to the kitchen.

I step into the doorway and see the cheery sight of Ms. Binger dancing around the kitchen singing Taylor Swift. She dances around his little sister, Sasha, who is in her high chair. She slides a pancake onto her plate and dances back to the stovetop, before noticing me in the doorway.

"Amberrrrrr hi sweetie! Jackson didn't tell me you were coming over. Would you like some pancakes You look like you need it." Her tinkling laugh echoed throughout the kitchen.

"That would be great, thanks."

I slid into my designated chair next to Sasha.

"Am Am! Am Am!" The tiny child screeched. I paste on a smile and Ms. Binger slides me a steaming cup of coffee and a plate loaded with pancakes.

"What's up? What brings you down here? Jackson isn't even awake so I'm assuming it's not for him."

"Well um, my back, "I started slowly. Understanding and sorrow filled her face.

"They found a body? I'm so sorry sweetie."

"No, like...she's back. Alive. I don't know what happened, or even where she's been. But she's back, police are everywhere, everyone cares about her, and I'm just...there. I didn't wanna get in the way so I needed a place. Jackson said you wouldn't mind," I explain.

"Of course! Any time. Speaking of Jackson, you should go get him up. Maybe if anyone can wake him it's you."

I nodded, mouth stuffed with pancakes and coffee. I spent the next half hour laughing and eating with Ms. Binger and Sasha.

There was one thing lingering on my mind though, the fact that my parents hadn't even thought to call me, check if I was okay, nothing.

I pushed that thought away and bounded up the stairs to Jackson's room. I threw open the door. Unlike most boys, his room usually was super clean. I made my way across the room and jumped on him in bed.

"Aghghgh!!!" Jackson screamed, grabbing a pillow, ready to throw fists.

When he saw it was me though, his face lit up and groggily gave me a big hug. I melted into his embrace, relishing in his scent. He hugged and hugged, and it felt so good. I was super tense, and the morning came rushing back to me. My I smiled at the thought and grinned even more as he kissed me in the crook of my neck. I settled back, into his warmth.

Little did I know that would be the last happy day I would experience for a while. Things were about to get much worse.

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