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A week passed and they were just returning from the island, on the rest of the trip they didn't talk at all and every time they had to Jungkook was very rude as usual treating him badly.

"I'm going out I'll see you later," he said goodbye to him husband smiling "I made muffins I kept you in the oven in case you want,"

"Where to and who gave you permission," he looked up from his computer adjusting his glasses.

"You don't care besides you're not my father," he picked up his backpack "I'll be back later Jungkook,"

"Where will you go," he asked again.

"Away," he smiled again walking out of the mansion.

He wasn't really going anywhere he had just arranged to meet at a nice, low-key cafe with his two friends.

Now Taehyung's dad had a small but successful restaurant chain, while Soobin's dad was an interior designer and clearly specialized in gardens.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," he smiled "It's just that I came by bike I bought it a while ago and hadn't been able to use it yet,"

"That's good Jinnie, now let's catch up," he picked up the menu "Let's start our group food therapy," Soobin smiled.

"You're still as cute as ever," Taehyung smiled at Soobin.

"Aren't you guys going out yet," Jin asked.

Taehyung choked on him gum and Soobin had to start slapping him back to stop him coughing.

"Well since you're going to play dumb let me tell you that my pathetic life just got even more pathetic," he grimaced.

"Why do you say that honey," Taehyung asked.

"I got married to an idiot even though it was my wedding I couldn't invite them," he pouted "So not only do my parents hate me anymore, so do my in-laws and my husband,".

"So besides going back centuries with the arranged marriage wasn't it with a good man," Taehyung snorted "Damn honey I'm so sorry,"

"He's already treated me like I'm a whore ten times, he's been rude all the time and even though I've tried to be friendly, he's still bent on being mean to me," he sighed.

"Let me meet him and I swear I'll kill him," Soobin said.

"We kill him," Taehyung punctuated.

"No need," he laughed "I'll be fine as long as I keep my profile low I can travel all the way to Japan if I want to," he shrugged.

"Well at least we know you'll be fine, if not you can always come live with us honey," Soobin said.

"We?" said Jin emphasizing the word we.

"We wanted to wait to tell you because we had a feeling you weren't having a good time," said Taehyung "But we're dating and moving in together because if we fail we try everything," he smiled.

"That's great," he smiled at them "But of course it makes me happy, and if you had told me earlier I would have been better off, your happiness would have overshadowed my sadness," he hugged them both.

"Sorry we didn't quite know what to do," Soobin laughed.

"It's okay guys, I still value your effort and the fact that you take me into account enough to think about whether it can affect me or not," he was sincere "Now I brought you a small gift from the island,".

After handing the gifts to his friends to watch as they both placed them on their keys, he smiled they were doing great.

"You are part of our couple after all, the kiss the three of us gave each other will never be forgotten," Soobin smiled.

"We were actually our first kisses of each other Does it count as polyamory? We love the three of us," Taehyung said.

"Well we'll be polyamorous from now on," laughed Jin "Just don't let my husband know or I'll be triple anyone's,".

The three laughed as in the end it was the only thing they could do.

"How are you doing with your studies," asked Jin.

"I'm just short of being an architect," said Taehyung.

"Soon I will be a doctor and the husband of an architect," laughed Taehyung blushing.

Jin smiled knowing that he could never say he didn't have a family, thanks to them he learned, grew up and became a normal person, they were the ones who were always with him while his parents turned their backs on him.

A few hours later, he ended up having dinner with his friends and then they went to a bar where they competed to see who drank more Soju, his bike he left at the new couple's house.

"Shit," he complained as he walked into the mansion and tripped over a pair of shoes "Who the fuck left these here," standing up he roughly closed the door and started walking towards his room.

"You're finally here," spoke a voice from the couch "Do you know what time it is,,,"

"Time for you to calm down," he asked laughing "I don't know love,".

"Jin it's five fucking o'clock in the morning where were you?,"

"Five in the morning," he whispered "And is that too early or too late," he let out a big laugh "No one will know that your whore of a husband came home late, don't worry about it,"

"I'm being serious with you Jin," he stood up from the couch approaching him.

Before he could touch him Jin put his hand as a barrier in between them both.

"Don't come near me or touch me," he warned "I'm in a good mood and I want to go to sleep don't fuck with me," he bit his lip.

"The only one fucking everything up here is you Jin, I thought your parents raised you right," his tongue bumped against him cheek.

"That's funny," he laughed "I thought yours raised you right too,"

"Tomorrow we'll talk seriously you behave like anything but a husband Kim Seokjin,"

"And you stupid," he folded his arms "All you do is scream and besides you want me to be your slave just because of a fucking contract I was forced to fulfill, you're pathetic Get the fuck out of here," I laughed "If you want our marriage to be like your fucking parents forget it," he inhaled "I won't be your fucking slave like your Appa to someone as miserable as your father,"

Jungkook simply clenched his fists about to answer him when the purple-haired boy spoke.

"And we won't be like my parents' marriage either because I won't let you beat me for all the money you have," he approached him "So if you're going to do it go ahead," he provoked "Touch me just one hair, give me reasons to dissolve this lousy marriage,"

"What fucking nutjob did my parents marry me to," he snorted.

"I wonder the same thing," he laughed "And by the way how ugly you are Have you tried getting a face transplant? Maybe then I'd try to be a better husband love," he teased.

"Ugly?", Jungkook looked at him completely offended.

"Awful," he let out a laugh "I'm going to bed tomorrow we have a charity event and I wouldn't miss it for the world,"

He trudged up the sprawling stairs leaving a bewildered Jungkook behind who had been called ugly for the first time, everyone considered him handsome and sexy, everyone was dying to fuck him at least once.

Jin knew he wasn't ugly on the outside, he knew he enjoyed a delicate beauty, but inside he was a jerk and a myriad of disqualifying adjectives.

Could he really hold out for three years?

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